Secrets of The Heart

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The cool air of the morning turned fringed as late afternoon approaches, Hebra mountain in the near distance; our breaths visible, skin burning, yet numb from the cold. Shivering in place I wrap my arms around myself and yelp when the frozen metal comes in contact with my chilled clothing as the bumps of the path causes us to shift. Thick foliage surrounded us, snow sticking to them in a thick white blanket, leaving a hauntingly beautiful view of deep greens peeking out through thick sparkling white. The sky above us was a deep light gray as the clothes above prepared themselves to lay another blanket down. The soft echo-y and child-like voices of the Wisp call for us to stray from the path; every now and then the small spirit-like body appears in the trees, emoting a soft seafoam glow, its body twisting and turning like a raging fire with no discernable features. Yet, the glow offered warmth and promises left unspoken; however, knowing that should you stray, you will surely end up dead from exposure.

"I never knew how beautiful the outskirts are," I mutter softly, raising a gloved hand up to catch a falling snowflake, smiling softly to myself.

Damian looks down at me smiling, "There's a lot that you don't know about your kingdom's lands and its people." He raises his head to peer around the area for threats. "We'll be at the bridge soon...and we'll have to part ways."

I sigh sadly and hold out my pinky to him, "But we'll meet again, I promise to return as soon as I can." Smiling he interlocks our pinkies, letting it linger for a heartbeat more, before dropping his hand.

"I'll hold you to that, and when we reunite once more, I'll have so much to share with you. All the adventures I've been on. My family. And I want to hear all about your adventures, and any new shoemagedens." We share a laugh as the bridge comes into view.

It is made of worn wood, thick fragile ropes holding it from one end of the chasm to the other: ice and snow covering the surface promising a slippery crossing. I interlock hands with Damian squeezing tightly as I feel my eyes and nose start to burn, my throat tightening, and a pit forming in my stomach. Squeezing my eyes closed just as hard as I squeezed his hand. I let out a struggled breath trying to calm the agony I felt. The carriage came to a slow stop to allow Damian off and to join the soldiers from our kingdom. I glance at the Hylian knight, speaking as evenly as I can manage.

"Good knight, please allow Sir Damian and myself to have a proper goodbye."

The knight lowers his head in a slight bow, "Of Course, but please make it quick. We need to reach the next town before nightfall."

Nodding I allow Damian to grasp me by the waist and lift me down, once he dismounts the carriage. We walk a few paces from the carriage, reaching up I remove the silver circlet holding my veil in place, from my head. I give Damian a teary smile and grasp his hands in mine tightly, bringing them up to hold close to my chest.

"Promise me..." taking in a shaky breath and closing my eyes I continue; "Promise me that once I return, it'll be like nothing changed. We'll go back to how things were before I left, no matter how long I've been gone."

Damian removes one hand from my hold to bring me close for a hug, my head resting against his chest. Ignoring the biting cold on my skin, I allow him to hold me as he speaks. "I can't promise that, but I do promise to wait for you, for as long as it takes. I'll wait for you to return home. To return to me," in a rush he adds, "I mean to my whole family...and the kingdom."

I laugh softly and move closer. "I'll be waiting for that as well...hey Damian, if I chose to stay in Hyrule...would you join me?" I look up to him, hopeful, adding in "your family too. I can't take the king anymore, or the pressures pushed on me...on you."

"Oh (Y/N)" he squeezes me tighter to him. "If I were to go with you, what would it be as? You knight? Your friend? Or...something more?"

I push away from him to look him in the eye, my own as glossy as his. I reach up and wipe away a few of his tears, "That would depend...what would you want?" 'What do I want it to be as? In what way do I love Damian? Do I just not want to lose him if I run? I know I care deeply for him, I can't live without him by my side.'

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