An Unexpected And Unwanted Guest

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The walk back into Kakariko is peaceful, I have long since dropped Wild's hand once he started to walk, yet he is walking a few steps behind me. Any time I look over my shoulder at him, he quickly looks in another direction. Brushing it off I leisurely walk, looking around us as we go, taking in the feeling of finally being home...well being back in Hyrule. Entering the village I can see Wind waving at me from the foot of the hill, calling out to us.

"We got some beds at the Inn. Time, Twilight and Hyrule went hunting for some food for Wild to cook."

I happily skip my way to him, only for his face to sower as he takes in my appearance. "What's with the face?"

"No, go change. That is too inappropriate for you to wear. I do NOT want to see my mom dressed like that."

"Huh?" I can't help the confusion that spreads through me as I look down at myself; noticing the peaking of cleavage, 'it honestly isn't that bad.' I find myself thinking, "Princess Zelda made this for me, it can't be that bad if a princess made it for me to wear. You're overreacting," I wave him off.

"I am not. HEY! Her eyes are up here!" Wind growls, looking behind me while violently gesturing in my face, causing me to flench my head backward quickly. Eyes wide and blinking rapidly at the action.

Confusedly I look back at Wild, who looks equally as confused. "What are you talking about, Wind?"

"You keep looking at her butt!" Wind growls.

Wild's face pinches in confusion even more, "no I'm not. I'm trying to figure out what kind of plant is on the back of her tunic."

"Plant? Oh, the Red Spider Lily. It's the royal family crest in my Kingdom. It's native to my land and only grows there."

Wind singles that he 'will be watching you,' to Wild; eyes narrowed as he grabs my elbow, leading me away to the inn.

"Still think you're overreacting," my sing-song voice irks the teen next to me. His mood sours, even more, when Warrior cat calls us once we walk through the door.

"That fairy sure did turn those rags into something wearable. I don't even think it looked that good when you arrived in my time." Warrior looks to Wind, looking far too pleased with himself.

"I know right? It looks so good!" Doing a variety of poses and twirls, I show off my repaired garments; this only causes Wind to try and hide me from the prying eyes of the others. He pulls his sailing leaf from his pack and slaps it against my chest.

"Cover those!" He nearly shrieks, causing the innkeeper to harshly shush him. In a false calm, he speaks in a lower tone, "I'm watching all of you grubby men. Keep your hands and eyes to yourselves."

Four snorts, "and just what type of men do you take us for? We've all traveled with her. At least one of us," he motions to Sky, "has seen her naked. I think you should be more worried for us with (y/n) around."

Scoffing I place a hand on my hip; more than ready to torture Wind a little more. "For your information, as stated before, it was an accident that Sky saw me naked. And second, I have already been on a date with someone in this very room. And thirdly, I've seen one of YOU naked as well; and that one was on purpose for the both of us."

It's so quiet you could hear a quill drop, Warrior pointing to himself, "me?"

"Pfft, you wish. You may flirt, but I never asked you to dinner. In fact, I have denied you multiple times." I place a reassuring hand on his shoulder as I look up at him. "You're fun to flirt with, but a relationship? I think I could do better."

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