A Begging Queen Is One Backed Into A Corner

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With a bone-shuttering howl, the dragon starts to descend, making its way back to the spring; the updraft dragging myself and the newly reunited Wind with it. Time keeps his perch on the dragon. It coils itself around the crystal-like ice castle around the spring; finally free from the malice as we gather around it. I can't help it as I peer around us, searching for the bitter Queen.

"Thank you," the ethereal voice of Naydra fills the air. "I have been a prisoner within my own body since the Calamity occurred. "Fortunately for Hyrule, I was able to keep Ganon from using my body to attack the land."

Sky's worried voice calls out to the freed dragon, "Are you feeling alright now? Are you hurt at all?"

Naydra chuckles, "I am fine now, dear hero. But I feel the presence of evil that worries me. Step forward, hero of Time; stand before the Goddess Statue and allow me to gaze into you."

Time slowly makes his way forward, eyes scanning the Dragon before him. "An evil entity has made himself at home, within me. Is there a way to separate us?" Time's voice is thick with worry.

Nadyra gazes down at him, twisting its head to and fro as it looks over the corrupted hero. "Your souls are wound tightly with one another. Until he releases his hold, and until what tethers him to you has been dealt with; he is there to stay."

I can hear Time click his tongue in annoyance, my body on edge when I speak. "Naydra, the Queen...I am sure you know who she is. She is being corrupted by some decisions she has made. Is there a way to purify her?" My words are rushed as I peer up at the Dragon, hope in my eyes.

"Ah yes," the dragon answers. "I saw her down below, nearly fully corrupted, from what I can see. But is there a way to purify a soul who so willingly succumbed to darkness? Does she hold full remorse for the things she has done? Or does she feel justified in her actions?" The dragon questions.

My mind races at Naydra's words, knowing the answers as well as the others; she will never be purified if she does not understand and repent her wrongdoings.

"I see..." I sigh heavily, "thank you for your answer. "Will you be staying here? Ganon might try to attack you again if you stay."

"There is one thing I must do before returning to the skies; Link, Hero of the Wild. Take steady aim with your bow and shoot true. Use my scale as an offering to the Goddess and obtain the power you seek."

Confused, Wild aims and shoots it at the dragon's body, once given an encouraging node. Once her arrow strikes its skin, a shimmering light blinds them momentarily, spots dancing across their vision as a scale lands in front of Wild. putting his bow away, he grasps it, cautiously walking into the oddly warm water in front of the goddess statue, his weary eyes locked on the dragon as he places it into the water; the scale disappearing in a pillar of light. A soft chiming greats their ears as the wall behind the goddess statue opens, reviling a shrive deep within the depths of the small cavern.

"So this is what you meant," Wild hums softly as the dragon takes to the skies once more, rising high above until a portal opens within the clouds and it disappears from their view. "I'm going to go get (y/n), wait here for us," he calls out as he turns, his vision starting to fray as a memory rushes through his mind...

The setting sun bathes the snow-covered grown in rays of dying sunlight. Standing atop the water in fur-lined boots that ripple the surface, is the Queen; gloved hands grasped together as she pleads, body slumped forward as her voice quivers with worry and frustration. Her champion's tunic hidden benighted her thick red jacket snowflakes clinging to her wild hair as arctic winds tousle the strands unforgivingly.

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