In Due Time, All Will Be Know

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The walk down the winding path is quiet, for the most part. The dirt crunches under our boots, birds chirp over our heads, and bugs scream in the trees and tall grass. I'm leading the Chain, fists still clinched near my sides; my head is on a pivot looking for any danger. Yet shockingly, I had not seen a single monster; this piqued my interest and led to me breaking the unspoken silent treatment I was subjected to. "It seems a little too quiet. Where are all of the monsters?" I glance behind myself to catch Times' eyes, "I was expecting more monsters to be around, like before the Calamity occurred."

"We took care of the ones near the trail," Wild answers, head tilted slightly like a confused puppy. "Did you not notice that before you fell into the river?"

I make a sound of understanding as I face forward once more."No, that's not really how my appearances work...I sort of just...fall to earth completely blind and deaf to the world around me; for a short period. I landed in the river when I appeared."

"," Wild reasons, a pebble scuttling across the ground in front of me, most likely kicked by Wild.

"Yeah..." I turn my chin to the sky as I watch the sunlight flutter between the leaves," How far is Kakariko from here?"

"On foot," Times booming voice causes some squirrels to run up a nearby tree; "three weeks. However, we have some horses boarded at a nearby home, about a day's journey from the Domain. You will ride with one of us until we have the answers we need. If you are innocent and can be trusted, we can help you catch and tame a horse."

I roll my eyes at his words, ' if, how nice.' So, When ," I emphasize the word, "I'm proven to be innocent, what are our next steps?"

"Classified," comes Time's response, Warrior agreeing with the statement.

I release a loud huff, my footfalls become faster as I try to walk my frustrations off. The Chain's footfalls match my own as they easily keep up with me. "You have no right to be angry with us," Hyrule speaks, voice even, effectively hiding any emotions he might have with the matter. "You kept so much secret from us, whether it was for right or wrong reasons; you still lied to us."

I slow some, shoulders and hands relaxing; my voice small. "I didn't lie to any of you."

"Omission of the truth is still a lie. You purposefully kept information from us, knowingly keeping us from the full truth." Hyrule's eyes bore into my back as we walk, my protests dying on my tongue as I come to terms with his words.

" was for good reasons. Reasons you'll learn once we speak with Impa." We fall silent once more as we travel, the sounds of nature around us giving a false sense of serenity in the cruel wilderness we found ourselves in now. I feel like an outsider with the very people I once saw as dear friends, family even; yet understand the anger they feel toward me. Hopefully, they understand the negative emotions I feel for them at this very moment.

I can feel eyes on me whenever I seem to stray just a little too far ahead, or too far off the path; when I admire a particular plant I had not seen in so long. One particular flower I catch sight of causes me to release a loud gasp before running from the path in glee. I can hear rushed footfalls and armor clanking behind me as I fall to my knees before the Silent Princess flower. With gentle hands I reach out and bend the stem, snapping it close to the root of the flower, leaving behind some leaves. The footfalls come to a halt behind me as I look down at the petals, touching one with the tip of my finger lovingly.

"Rare Indeed," I breathe to myself as I stand once more, and hear a gelatin-type sound appear to my left, my nose burning from the acidic scent that attacks it. Glancing over I see a Blue Chu, slowly rolling in my direction, Its large eyes would be somewhat cute, if not attached to a literal sentient acid. Seeing as how it is small, I flick my wrist causing a harsh gust of wind to slice it in half. It bursts and leaves behind a jell-like acid on the ground; the grass around it sizzles and burns. Reaching into the back attached to y belt I pull out a large glass bottle, scooping up the substance before returning the bottle to my spacious pouch.

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