Please Don't Leave Us

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Luckily for the Chain, the night has gone smoothly; Canolo and Wind taking final watch. The sky is still dark, sunrise another hour away; Canolo has already packed up her bedroll, her bag resting a few feet away from her. Wind has tried to make conversation with the woman, only receiving one-word answers or a grunt. Overall, their watch has been uncomfortable. As daylight approaches Canolo stands, "I need to use the restroom and freshen up for the day. If you could, tend to the fire so it does not go out."

Wind looks at her, slightly shocked she spoke to him; "okay, yeah. I can do that. I can even get some water boiling for that Herbal Tea (y/n) and Hyrule swear by. They said it was good for long travels."

Canolo shrugs, "if you want to." She casually walks to her bag, slips it on, and walks out into the trees and brush. Wild shrugs her disinterested behavior off, as she has been nothing but that the whole night. Wind pulls a cooking pot from his pack, a large one that will hold enough water for what he plans to do. He empties a few waterskins into it, planning on refilling them with the finished tea. He sets the pot close to the fire so that it can boil without getting too hot. He then turns his attention to Hyrule's pack. He slowly approaches, so as to not wake him, he then roots around in the pack to find what he is looking for. His fingers brushed against an oddly shaped glass container. Retracting his hand he retrieves a medium-sized cylinder, the glass lid held on with leather straps. When Wind opens it, the cylinder makes a quiet pop as the seal is released. A heavenly scent invades his nose, hints of citrus and ginger; a strong smell of sweet and fruity herbs and a few dry herbs lay within the cylinder.

He makes his way back to the water, watching it intently for the slow boil he remembers Hyrule mentioning. Once satisfied he removes the pot, setting it aside as he grabs one of his own cooking clothes. Pouring a generous amount of dry tea leaves, herbs, and dried fruits; he ties the cloth before dropping it into the water. The water starts to quickly tinge a light pink before slowly becoming darker and darker with each passing minute until it becomes a rich deep red. The welcoming scent causes a few of the Links to raise their heads. Time farrows his brows as his electric blue eyes peer around the small sleeping circle. His voice is heavy with sleep, "Where is Canolo?"

Wind looks up from the steaming red liquid, a funnel in one hand as a water skin lays propped up with two stones. "She said she had to go freshen up."

Hyrule peels himself up from his bed roll and starts to put his things away, the others following suit as Time wakes Sky up. "I see, we should do the same once we help Twilight and (y/n)."

"I swear," Warrior yawns as he stretches; his joints popping and cracking. "I have sand in my ass."

Time glares at him, "watch your mouth. The others might not have any problem with it at the moment, but we need to be cautious of Canolo." Ever a dad, Time sets the rules and expects the others to follow. Warrior only waves him off as he moves to help Wind fill the water skins. Hyrule removes his cap to scratch at his aching scalp, he must have slept on a rock, once his cap is placed back atop his head he reaches into his pack. Pulling his ingredients out and a clean cooking pot, he works on making Twilight's gruel. As time passes, Twilight awakens, groaning and crying out in pain; his voice is horsed and ragged, and his breathing labored as he convulses. Time quickly shoves a dagger hilt into his mouth for his teeth to gnash at, Hyrule and Four slamming their hands onto Twilight's shoulders and arms; Legend and sky taking hold of his legs. They all push down to keep him tethered to his bedroll as his body refuses to unravel.

"He's getting worst," Time hisses when Four loses grip on Twilight's arm, his heavy strong fist making contact with Time's chin. Four quickly grabs hold of the wild extremity and slams it into the ground as the taste of iron fills Time's mouth. Wild rips Twilight's tunic up and checks on the infected wound. The skin surrounding the slash would is red and bubbled, the wound itself has a large scab over it, white and yellow puss laying under the surface; some of the skin has started to turn a deep dark red looking almost black.

"This isn't good," Wild growls as he works on treating it and reworking it. "I hope he can last until Hateno."

The violent convulsing subsides, his breathing shallow and labored; sweat soaking through his clothing and creating a sticky wet sheen on it. "He'll need to," Time all but demands. Twilight's electric blue eyes crack open, a dullness not like him has already consumed them; leaving nothing of the man he once was behind. His lids struggle to stay open, his long lashes tangled together with the remanence of sweat and sand. Hyrule quickly brings a jar to his lips, the gruel mixed with a healing potion. Twilight gulps it lackadaisically, his muscles having a difficult time constriction and relaxing so that he can drink it. He only gets through half of the jar before unconsciousness takes him once more, the mixture filling his mouth quickly before spilling out. Startled, Hyrue twists his head to the side to let the mixture exit, before it slithers down his throat and into his weak lungs. Hyrule looks to the others, a grave expression taking over his features.

"This is not good, these potions are the only thing that slows the progression of skin rot and the infection. He needs to drink the whole potion at once."

"Then we need to move faster. Wind," Sky turns his attention to their youngest member. "Go find Canolo. We need clean them now, and get moving."

Wind nods before he runs in the direction he saw her heading, his mind itching as he realizes it was where they had left the horses to graze. His legs push him faster as he rushes over the small hill where a shallow pond resides; a horse is missing, as well as Canolo. No trace of her remains. With a shout he calls the attention of the Chain, Time rushing over right away.

"What happened?" His voice is rushed as his eyes dart around.

"She took (y/n) horse and ran," Wind hurls out in fury, his eyes glaring at the remaining horses.

Time clenches his fists, the ether of the gloves squeaking out in pain due to his anger. "We can not just leave (y/n) to wallow in her own filth until we reach Hateno." His eyes move to Wind, "let us get back to the others and inform them of what has happened."

Wind looks up at him, his eyes welling up, "I'm sorry. I didn't think she would run off like that."

Time places a comforting hand on top of Wind's head, with a soft squeeze and a gentle ruffling he gives the worried teen a soft smile. "It is alright Wind. You could not have known this would happen. (y/n) will be okay, I promise. Hyrule and I will take charge of her caregiving, rest assured."

Wind is unsure how to feel about the situation, yet gives a firm nod, "okay. Just watch where you two put your hands."

Time can't help but chuckle at the threat, "I will be sure to keep her honor." He lowers his hand and leads Wind back to the others, giving the terrible news to the others.

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