Oh No, It's Coming For Me!

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The air turns frostbitten as the sun retreats for the night. The sky is speckled with low clouds that nearly brush our heads, the wind pressing uncomfortably against our skin, dimpling it under the force. The main control pedestal glows ominously before us, pulsating as if a beating heart. The miasma of the Calamity's power burns my lungs the closer I get to the tomb that holds Ravali's soul.

I steady my resolve, eyes moving away from the sepulcher, letting them roam the upper deck. "We'll need to be careful up here," my words tinged with worry. "Each Blight has held an ability similar to the divine beast it inhabits. I'm sure this blight contains some sort of Wind magic."

"Are you ready for your spell?" Twilight questions, a reassuring hand squeezing my shoulder firmly.

"Yeah," I nod, closing my eyes as I exhale softly, "Ready when you are Wild," I call out, eyes slowly opening to focus on the cursed device before us.

"We can wait for morning," Wild suggests.

"The longer we wait, the closer we are to a blood moon, or that The Calamity will use the beast to attack. He knows we are here, so let's end this before he sends reinforcements."

Wild chews on his lip, eyes racking over our group before he steps closer to the final pedestal. "The calamity has taken many who are important to (y/n) and I...so let's take out this Blight and lighten the regrets we hold." Wild places his slate against the stone pedestal that buzzes with power, malice, and the trapped soul of my closest friend in Hyrule. What little lights illuminated the top of Divine Beast Vah Medoh went out, plunging us into a harsh darkness. The cloudy skies overhead block the rising moon's silver hues, bathing us in unnatural shadows.

It's as if the wind ceases to bear down on us, the air around us going silent as the presence of a predator materializes. The glue glow of the Sheikah tech mixes with malice, the gust of wind ripples our clothing, and my hair slaps against my face violently as I start to command my magic. I know Revali is speaking, I can feel the buzz of his voice in my ears, yet I tune it out. I need to concentrate on my spell, or else I risk being unable to perform it; as much as I care for Ravali, my emotions over the situation will result in failure. His voice, no matter the comfort it brings me, also dredges up all of the negative emotions revolving around his death.

"From shadows deep to hidden nooks,

Let light flood in like waves." A shape starts to form as the Blight's horrid figure starts to take shape. I charge forward, sprinting to the materializing form.

"With every word, with every breath,

Banish darkness and bring forth light's eternal depth." The Blight's shrek nearly shatters my eardrums, my hand coming into contact with the searing hot flesh of the blight. A brilliant light attaches itself to the lower portion of the Blight, the very bottom of its jagged pillar-like tail.

My hand makes a sound akin to fatty meat being placed on a hot metal skillet, searing and bubbling as the first layer is cooked in the split second my hand touches the blight. I hear the sound of chains extending, before something tangles into the back of my clothing, gripping it, and ripping me to safety. Twilight is waiting with open arms as his claw shot drags me into the safety of his arms, gripping me close as he lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding. My breathing is ragged, squeezing its way out through clenched teeth, as my hand hovers in front of my face, shaking violently as I gaze down at the bubbled flesh.

"Don't let it touch you!" My voice is uneven, as my octave fluctuates due to the pain. "It's fucking hot!" Snapping my eyes to the Blight, I watch as Wild dodges its swing, retesting away from the rest of the chain.

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