One Step Closer To Freedom

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The wind is chilly this high in the air, my arms wrapped tightly around Ravali's neck as he ascends to Vah Medoh. His body bypasses it, going high above the clouds before diving down. My body feels weightless as it rises from his back, my squeals of delight being lost to even my own ears over the sound of the wind. My fingers dig into the feathers on his shoulders roughly as I squeeze myself closer to him. With a quick flicking of his wings open, he stops our fall just before we crash into the flooring of the Divine Beast. He lands elegantly while I slip from his back and fall on my rear roughly, my legs feeling like jelly; my heart pounding loudly in my ears as I pant loudly.

"Were my skills too much for you to handle?" The arrogant voice of his that I have come to adore, fills my ears.

My wide eyes look up at him as I scurry to my feet, "That was so much fun Ravali!" I squeal as I race to the edge, glancing over to see Rito village below, a mere speck to my eyes. "Everything looks so small from up here." I let out a yelp of fear when his hand shoves me lightly, my body flailing forward before he grips the back of my tunic to yank me back to him.

"Careful, you might fall," he snickers.

I turn quickly, smacking his chest lightly "You're a dick."

"Ah, how amusing it is to think that you of all people could affect me with your words."

I scoff in offense and smack his chest a little harder. "Maybe Link was right about you."

"Oh? And what is that?" He teases.

Smirking at him, I rise to my tiptoes to get closer to his height. "That you have amazing skills and power, yet your personality is worse than cow manure."

His beak opens in shock, "He said that?"

"No, but that doesn't mean it's not true." I laugh loudly and doge his hands as he rushes to grab hold of me. "Aww, did I hurt your feelings?" I snicker as I sprint away from him.

"The princess was right," he calls out to me as he takes flight. "You talk too much for a woman with no real thoughts."

I nearly trip over my own feet at his words, freezing. "She really said that?" Hurt seeps into my words.

"No," Revali grins as he tackles me to the ground. "But that does not mean it's not true."

I glare playfully up at him, as he bird-link grin boars down at me. "You wound me, sir."

"Good," he laughs as he rolls off of me to lie next to me, gazing up at the clouds above us. His tone turns to one of concern when he speaks, "How is your stay in the castle? Are they being kind to you?"

I shrug as I cast my eyes upwards, "As kind as one can be when you lack any real skill or abilities as the Calamity approaches. The King is...very unkind, but not the worst person I have ever had to deal with."

"That would be your husband, am I right?" Ravali rolls over onto his side to look at me.

"Mhm, he is the worst person I have ever had the displeasure of meeting," I turn my head to smile at him, "Zelda has warmed up to me again. I think she has forgiven me for what I said during our first meeting. But there seems to still be some sort of wall between us."

"Well," Ravali rests his head against his first, "she is under a lot of pressure at the moment. I am sure her ill feelings have nothing to do with you personally."

I roll onto my side and rest my head against my arm, curling up to get more comfortable. "I guess you're right. The King is...harsher on her than he is me or even Link."

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