If You Two Don't Knock It Out, Heads Will Roll

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The walk to Kakariko was quiet, the conversation with Impa left to the Chain as I stood outside Impa's home as instructed; looking out to the sunset fireflies that fluttered about. Their conversation with her lasted a while, the moon traveling lower in the sky until the beginning rays of sunlight shone. When they exit the home I look up the stairs to them, to my surprise they seem to be at ease, with no hostility towards me as they descend the stairs and greet me. "What...happened in there?" I can't help but question.

"Don't worry about it," Four snickers as he walks passed, shoulder-checking me in a playful manner.

Scoffing I follow after him, smacking his arm playfully, "you are so annoying! Do you insist on causing drama everywhere you go?"

"Yeah. Why should I be bored," his grin does nothing more than agitating me further.

"I. Hate. You. So much!" I whine as I jump onto his back, forcing him to carry me.

"I knew he could get her back to her usual annoying self," Wild teases just behind us; pretending like he is trying to quietly talk to the others.

My head snaps around as I glare at him, "annoying? Well excuuuuse me; I thought I was quite charming."

The smirk in Four's voice is almost palpable, "as charming as a wart on a Bokoblin's butt."

The loud sound of disbelief I let out causes a nearby Sheikah guard to hush us as we exit the village. "Sorry!" I quickly apologized as I pull at Four's ear, murmuring into it. "I swear, one day I'll get you to admit you like me. No, not like. Love me." I 'Oof' loudly when he drops me, laying on the ground in a starfish position; not wanting to move just yet. "You killed me, the love of your life is dead because of you. What will the others think?"

"That it was necessary," comes the snickering voice of Wind as he reaches a hand out to help me up.

"Okay, rude." I accept his help, standing and brushing myself clean from the dirt on my clothing. "What happened to our familiar bond?"

The light-hearted and teasing tone leaves his voice as he drops it so only the two of us can hear what he says. "It's on hold until I know what you did that involves me and you getting corrupted because of it. Impa told us to drop it, but I don't think I will." My breath hitches as he walks away, my wide eyes following him as he goes. The other members of the chain walk passed, not in a way that seems like they agree with him; but more so because they don't know what just transpired.

Knocking me out of my stooper, a thick warm arm wraps around my shoulder, making me move with the hero as he walks. "Spacing out? You do that a lot Dontcha." Twilight smiles down at me as I turn my wide eyes to him.

"Uh yeah," chuckling, I relax into his side, allowing his body heat to warm my chilled frame. Whether it was from the weather or Wind's words, I'm not too sure. "I guess I do space out often. I got a lot going on up here," I tap my head with my pointer finger a few times; a spark of a memory running through me. 'That's right...I said the same thing to Sky.'

"Care to share?" Twilight pulls me closer as we walk, paying no mind to the glances the rest of the Chain is giving us.

"Actually yeah, I do have something I want to share." Looking up to him, as innocently as I can manage, hiding my true intentions; I speak in a sweet loving voice. "Do you think bears ever look at bees and think; 'Aaah yes. Those are the fuckers that make that delicious, sticky, goo?' Because sometimes, that's what I think."

Their loud booming laughter fills the air, the others following suit. "Why do you say the most unhinged things?" Four wheezes out.

Shrugging, I enjoy the sound of their laughter, their happiness, and their easygoing states. A content smile on my face, "I just have a lot going on in my brain. It has to come out sometime." Their laughter dies down into chuckles as we pass the location where my murderous beans were nearly spilled. "Where are we going anyways?"

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