Discussions Of The Past And Ale For The Soul

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Standing next to Wild as we cook, it is hard to keep my mind from wandering to the time before the calamity; the memories that refuse to surface from my mind, yet are so close I can almost see them. Frustration and despair bubble to the surface as I find myself unable to remember clear details of Damian's face, nor of the dream I had about him just that morning. "Hey Wild...Does your memory loss ever upset you?" I keep my eyes on the potatoes I am scrubbing.

It takes a few moments for him to answer, his voice sounding unsure, "sometimes, but I know they'll come back in time. Why do you ask?"

Shrugging I let out a heavy sigh, "I'm having trouble remembering my life before the time jumps...well not really my life, but the people in it. I can't remember their faces or voices, but I know someone was with me...sometimes I can't even remember their names." I place the clean ones into a bowl, moving on to scrub some carrots clean.

"That would frustrate me too...but maybe it will come back?" He lays a hand on my shoulder, giving it an awkward squeeze, "hold out hope. I know going to places I have been before, where a major event took place, helps me remember. And when I do remember, more memories seem to fill the cracks of who I was before all of this. I'm sure that will work for you too."

I freeze for a moment before returning to the tasks at hand, mumbling a thank you. "You're right Wild...once we save Hyrule, maybe I'll return home to find those memories for myself." 'I promise I'll remember your face clearly, Damian.' We fall into silence, Rendoga leaving us to our own devices, for the time being, knowing when a conversation around her is not meant to be intruded on. Yet curiosity is pushing just under the surface of her restraint, even more so when Wild speaks up once more. "Do you remember what I was like before the Calamity?"

"Oh?" I look up at him, halting my movements to give him my full attention. "I do remember you, hard to forget you when," I gesture to the Chain who is quietly conversating amongst themselves near the fire; "all of them are around."

"Could you tell me about who I was?" Wild sounds hopeful, Rendoga quickly heads to the fire with the cauldron to get the water started boiling, with the meat.

"Oh, yeah...everything that I know. You didn't speak much when we first met, if at all. But food always motivated you." I turn my attention back to the vegetables as I speak, remembering all that I can. "You were Zelda's personal knight, although I don't know how you actually got the job; your bravery, strength, and cunning proved you deserved the title. Once we worked together more often you started to speak more. You told me once that Zelda reminded you a lot of your younger sister; strong-willed, smart, and willing to do what it takes to prove herself...even if it isn't always the best decision."

"I...I had a sister?"

"Hmhm, you said you became a knight so your dad could retire and take care of her at home...he had some kind of injury? I think. But you trained from a young age to be a knight, so your wants lined up with what you had been trained to do. Ummm, let's see," I scrunch my face up as I think. "We trained together sometimes, but mostly you had to keep an eye on me and Zelda when we had a 'mission' together. I would always accompany you and Zelda on visits to the other kingdoms when you visited the springs and anything that might have magic involved. You were nice, but silent, barely speaking even to those you were close to. Basically a mystery...hard to tell what you were thinking, but when you did speak, you said exactly what was on your mind. No matter how much it might hurt the other person; you said it was for their own benefit." A fond smile finds its way onto my face, my heart racing slightly, "you were a lot like a friend of mine, but he was more open and friendly with others. His name was Damian and he," I cut myself off, face falling, a burning in my throat causes me to swallow thickly. "That's all I can remember at the moment, about our past together."

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