RIP Tree, You Will Be Missed

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Hyrule woke up a day and a half later, his body felt weak, his stomach grumbling, and his mouth as dry as the desert they currently reside in. His head aches with every pulse of his heart as he groggily rolls out of the bed. As soon as his feet touch the ground, a pair of strong hands are pushing him to sit. Looking up at who they are connected to, he sees Time peering at him in worry, "Stay seated. Let me get you some water, and Wild will cook you something to eat."

Hyrule brushes him off as he looks around, "where are Twilight and (y/n)? Are they okay?"

Time looks grim as he shakes his head, "unconscious...Twilight has a severe infection due to his wounds. We have tried making elixirs and potions, but they seem not to be working for him."

Hyrule pushes Time's hands off of his shoulders and stands on legs, akin to a newborn deer. "Get me some ingredients so I can make a potion."

"Eat and drink first, he has lived this long, a little longer will not kill him," Time argues.

With a heavy sigh, Hyrule sits and holds his hands out expectantly, "water." When Time passes him a full waterskin, he raises it to his lips and drinks slowly, allowing the lukewarm liquid to coat and soak into his dry mouth and throat. Once empty, he sets it aside, "food."

"Let me go inform Wild and the others of your awakening. Stay here and do not move." Time demands as he turns on his heel and exits the Inn. Hyrule glances around the small room full of beds, catching sight of the unconscious bodies of his friends, while I am laid unmoving, Twilight's body is violently shivering, small sounds of distress falling past his chapped lips. Hyrule feels uneasy seeing such a strong and easygoing man laid out in a pool of his own sweat, battling for his life after all the work he and (y/n) put into keeping him from bleeding out. His thoughts are cut off when Time reenters with the remaining members of the Chain, all but Wild who is no doubt cooking a delicious meal for Hyrule.

"Thank goodness you're awake, you had us worried;" Sky all but breaths out in relief. "Once you feel well enough for travel we will be going to Hateno village."

"I will try to make a potion to heal Twilight first," Hyrule states, brushing off the concern they hold for him. "If he dies it would be upsetting for all of us. Especially the woman unconscious right over there who put so much work into keeping him alive." Silence falls over the Chain at Hyrule's heavy words. "What time of day is it? How long have I been unconscious?"

"A day and a half," Time answers, "It is about three in the afternoon."

"I've been asleep for too long. I knew I was not cut out for this hero business. The rest of you seem just fine after our deadly battle."

"You used up all of your magic, anyone would have been unconscious that long, if not longer," Warrior tries to reassure him. "You did something amazing for Twilight. Do not overlook that."

Hyrule waves him off as he stands, "I need fresh air." He steps around him, still a little wobbly on his feet as he exits the dim Inn into the bright blinding light of the desert Sun. The smell of Wild's cooking causes his stomach to growl loudly, as he slowly walks his way over. "What ingredients do you have for potions?"

Is the first thing out of his mouth, before Wild could even look up at him.

Caught off guard Wild looks up at him, startled for a moment before calming down. "Good to see you awake." Wild stirs the meats in the cooking pot, another pot to the side that has rice. He then pulls out his slate and searches throw the stored inventory. "I have various monster parts, some frogs, various herbs, and...why do I have a pile of dirt?"

"...what kind of dirt?" Hyrule questions.

"How would I even be able to know that?" Wild questions, an eyebrow raised in confusion.

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