Is This Bad? I Feel Like This Is Bad

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It has been days since Canolo ran off with a horse. Days since the Chain became in charge of not just one unconscious body's cleanliness, but two. And a full week since Twilight and I have been rendered incapacitated. Another day rolls to a close, Hateno Village a mere day and a half journey away; feelings of antsiness and turmoil have overtaken them as Twilight rouses from his slumber less often, unable to hold much of anything down. I have yet to awaken, still unable to eat nor drink, yet I appear to be in a state of stasis; I do not need water or food in whatever state I have entered. My bodily functions appear to not be affected, as if I am still eating and drinking on a regular basis.

The Chain is gathered around a roaring fire, fighting off the cool night air, a steaming bowl of curry clutched into each of their hands. Off to the right of the fire, close enough to keep warm, but far enough as to not burn; is Twilight's bed roll and my own. Worried eyes settle on us as the Chain eats, no conversation flowing between the group; that is until a deep rumbling voice meets their ears.

"Her potions really do work, huh?" Just our side of the firelight stands the muscular figure of Dark Link, his red eyes glowing.

Time stands, his bowl slammed onto the ground next to where he once was sitting. "Why are you here," he growls, hand already placed on the hilt of his sword.

"And," Four stands as well, bow at the ready; "what happened to your eye? It was rotting the last time we saw you."

Dark Link chuckles, tossing something at Wild who quickly catches it. The smooth glass of the empty bottle slides against his leather glove; small traces of potion remain at the bottom of it. "As I said, her potions work wonders. Although, it seems you needed those potions more." A deep chuckle bubbles forth from his chest, "looks as if they do not have much time."

Time takes a threatening step forward, the sound of his sword being yanked from its seethe bringing the other members of the Chain to the ready.

Dark Link raises his hands in a show of good faith, "oh relax. I was only returning your bottle, and of course, throwing salt into your wounds. But tell me," his eyes travel to our unconscious forms. "How depraved was she in her final moments?"

Wind sends an arrow hurtling towards Dark Link, only for him to lean to the left, having the attack pass right by his head. "You're disgusting!"

Dark Link laughs, drawing his own bow, fire collecting on the arrow's head; casting flickering lights and shadows across his skin. The arrow flies quickly through the air, believing one of them to be the target they stand with their shields ready to defend. Only for the arrow to hand in the dry grass between Twilight's and my own bedroll. The grass quickly lights aflame, and tickles at our bedrolls; with a spur of adrenaline Sky and Wild Rip us from the bedrolls, crossing the short distance between them and our soon-to-be crisped bodies in record time. Wild cradles me closely as Sky does his best to hold Twilight up without injuring him further. My head hands forward, body limp against the short hero's frame, my hair covers my face in tangled clumps; the arm strung over his shoulders hangs hollowly across them. My right arm hangs uselessly in front of me, as I am bent forward.

While Sky and Wild get us to safety, the remaining heroes rush the monster before them. Swords clash together, shields push attacks back, and arrows miss their mark. Time bares his teeth at the creature who parades around in the flesh of a twisted version of his younger self. "Why are you here? What brought you to this time" Time finds himself questioning, his sword pressed against Dark Links as they struggle to throw each other off balance.

"Me," Dark Link muses, "now why should I tell you that?" Time's sword is flung to the side, and a thick leather boot slams into his ribs and sends him flying back; his body rolling and skidding across the grass and dirt beneath him.

Hyrule rushes forward, his sword slicing through the air, only to be stopped by Dark Link's shield; the arrows Wind and Four sent flying are deflected with a strong swing of his sword. "Answer him," Hyrule demands, his leg coming up and slamming into Dark Link's side, causing the monster to stagger backward. In his momentary defeat, an arrow impales itself into his left wrist, causing his sword to clatter to the ground. Another arrow pierces into his knee, as Time rushes forward gripping him tightly with his own Master Sword against the creature's neck.

"Oh? So I have been caught?" Dark Link snickers, eyes wide with amusement. "What will the mighty Hero do now? Kill me? That does not seem very pure of heart." Cackling fills the air as his body shakes with maniacal joy.

"I have not been pure of heart since I was a teen," Time warns. "Now answer the question. How did you get here?"

"Why don't we make this game fun? I'll tell you when you can free yourself." His red eyes start to glow, the confused Time having no time to react as Dark Link starts to dissolve into a shadow-like substance with a peculiar viscosity to him. It starts to soak into Time's body, leaking through his pores and inside his very soul.

Time looks around him in horror, "I think...he's inside me." His Icy blue eye flash red, as a grin stretches across his face. "Oh yes, I have," Time's own voice says before cackling loudly.

"Time, you need to fight him," Warrior pleads.

"I am!" Time howled, blue swirling inside of his deep crimson eye. His hands grip at his hair as he leans forward letting out a loud screech of pain.

Hyrule rushes to him, placing his own hands over Time's trampling ones, pulling them from his hair. His voice is soft and reassuring when he speaks; "calm down. Creatures like him thrive with negative emotions and discourse. Find peace, and you can push him back."

Time's frantic eye searches Hyrule's own, his body relaxing as the pain in his head seems to lessen. "Right. It is unbecoming for me to act this way." His eye slides closed once more, his breathing slowing as he forces his body to relax and calm. The painful tremble that was spreading throughout his body slowly comes to a stop, as his eye opens once more. The beautiful blue shone brightly in the dark night. "I am okay now," he stands tall and looks around them; Four working on putting out the fire with his limited amount of magic. "We need to get to Hateno by morning. Let us pack our things and get these two to safety....I must speak with someone about what has just happened."

"We also still need to free the divine beast," Wild adds, his eyes moving to follow the dim red light above their heads, aimed right at the Castle. "The Champions and Princess have waited a long time for freedom. While you figure out what happened, and Twilight and (y/n) heal. I must continue my quest to free everyone and conquer the Shrines that are scattered throughout Hyrule."

"Then let us hurry," Sky states. "I will travel with you to be sure things do not get too out of hand."

"So will I. I can still render aid. I am not useless," Time's stern voice is all it takes for the Chain to head out on their mission once more. The events that occurred happened too fast to be stopped, to be fully processed yet; and this is just what they must deal with now.

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