Old World Magic Sure Is Strict

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Sidon and I sit on the ledge of the Reservoir, my boots and socks tucked next to me; my pants rolled up to my knees as I dangle my legs on the water. His eyes gaze at me in curiosity and an underlined fondness as he waits for me to begin. I wring my fingers together harshly before flexing them; "um...I'm not too sure how to start this, it is pretty intrusive."

Sidon chuckles, turning his attention away from me, as he looks out at the water. "You have a terrible habit. One of these days you're bound to rip one of those fingers off."

I turn my eyes to him, confused, "what do you mean?"

Sidon leans back on his hands, as he side-eyes me; "back when I was a kid, Mipha always said you wore your heart on your sleeve, even when you tried to hide what you felt. But now," he looks up to the sky; "you are difficult to figure out. After our first reunion, when you came to the knowledge of what happened; you seemed to close your real feelings off. But that habit of yours, when you get nervous; you did it constantly around Link or the Princess."

I glance down at my hands, separating them quickly, "I have no idea what you're talking about," I look away from him and scratch my cheek. "Nope, nothing you said is even remotely true," I lie terribly.

Sidon's boisterous laughter fills the air, "you have always been a funny one. That was why I considered you one of my first real friends."

I snapped my attention to him, shocked. Playfully, with a wide smile, I address him as if I am a shy dame in a small village; "you mean lil' ol' me? I was the first friend of the charming, charismatic, prince of the Zora?" Rolling my eyes and leaning back on my hands, I snort, "That's a lie and we both know it. Link was your first friend."

"Correction," Sidon boops my nose softly, "he was my sister's friend. I admired him and wanted to grow up to be a man much like him. You on the other hand, when you would visit with the champions; you made a point to acknowledge me. You spoke with me with respect, like the royal I was at first. But," he gives me a soft smile, one so tender and calm, it almost seems uncharacteristic of his bombastic personality. "When you noticed how unhappy it made me, you spoke to me informally...even played games with me, and you seemed all too pleased to play my childish games."

"To be fair," I cut in, "I never had a real childhood, so I wanted to play those games more than even you did."

Sidon laughs at my lopsided grin, cheek squished against my shoulder, making it look as if it were stung by a bee. "Most people, let alone royalty, would jump from Shatterback Point with such vigor."

I laugh and roll my eyes, "what? It was fun. Besides, it was funny seeing Link panic when I hit the water," my voice turns exaggerated; "ooooh so gracefully."

"You belly-flopped," Sidon states matter-of-factly before we both break out into laughter; soon it dies down into a comfortable silence. I slowly sway my legs to ripple the cool water around them, enjoying the calm and comfortable atmosphere.

"You know, Sidon," I speak softly as my eyes close, enjoying the warm sunlight on my skin. "I always thought you disliked me, much like your sister had."

Sidon is quiet for a few moments before letting out a long sigh. "She never...hated you. Sure she disliked you, to an extent, but she respected you as well." My eyes turn to look up at him, his own looking at Ruta who is perched on a mountaintop. "She thought you were a little too carefree and...personal with most people you interacted with; or with your own duties."

Looking away in guilt I shrug, "I know I didn't appear to be...serious with my duties...but I tried my hardest to learn and practice the spells within my books. Magic is hard...especially when you have been told to not use certain magic types, throughout your formative growth years as a child."

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