What The Hell Is Even That?

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The path is dark, and the normal beautiful scenery of Hyrule is bathed in darkness and shadows; turning the trees and shrubbery into monstrous creatures and omens of despair. Anzul's heavy hoofs thump against the ground with each step, my body rocking side to side with every movement; my eyes are peeled for any traces of the Ocult threatening the fae, and after a few hours, I find it. Fresh tracks leading off the worn dirt path pique my interest; footfalls and hoove marks dig deep into the loose wet dirt, no doubt a rain storm must have passed earlier that day. I dismount Anzul and stroke his muzzle softly as I whisper; "Twilight said you can understand us when we speak...I hope that is true. Thank you for taking me this far, but I can't ask for you to go any further. It will be dangerous and I don't want anything to happen to you...not to mention Twilight would kill me. Head back to him, Okay?" I rest of forehead against his as I close my eyes, "get home safe and keep a watchful eye on him until I get back." Stepping away I give his muzzle one last stroke before backing away, "go now Anzul."

The horse whinnies before turning and rushing off, all too eager to return to his fallen companion. Releasing a breath I turn on my heels and move to the trees parallel to the new path these members have started to create. Watching the ground and my surroundings, hunched low as light footfalls remain undetectable; I follow the path. It seems they have cleared out the monsters in the area, at least until the next blood moon, however, I find myself thankful for that. A fight now with my limited magic, and giving away my presence would do no good. The trees start to thin out as a clearing is quickly approaching, fire light dancing across the trees; coming to a stop just outside of the fire reach I study the group before me.

The Great Fairy was wrong, they stood at eighty strong, men women, and teens surrounded by some sort of large fire; something burning inside. Upon closer inspection, I notice elegant wings, and specks of peach shining through the raging orange fire as pink fairies are burned alive. I cover my mouth to suppress a gasp as they toss another small wooden crate into the fire, small bell-like screams mingling into the air. 'This is worst than I thought...I can't let this continue...but I can't rush in either. That would be suicide...and what if there is another fraction? Or what if there are other members not there at the moment?'

As I turn these thoughts over in my head, I watch as they grip hands, donning eerie masks and dancing around the fire. The masks themselves are crudely carved from wood, having large eyes, but no other facial features, two large spikes adorn the top of the heart-shaped maks, and four more spikes line each cheek. As the ritual continues the fire turns into a deep purple color, the miasma of death coming off of it in waves, threatening to have me double over and empty my stomach of whatever remains in there. The smoke that gathers in the air seems unnatural, swirling and taking shape into a shadowy beast, colors leaking into it and creating a palpable body that shifts in and out of our plane of existence.

A large figure stood hunched above them as the fire roars higher into the air. Its muscular body was made of red and blue veins, woven together in a rope-like structure, the figure was far bigger than the Hinox I had faced with the Chain before, its waist touching the treetops. Atop its spindly neck sat a large mask with wide unblinking orange and yellow sclera, the pupil a yellowish green ending with large black dots in the very center. the wood that makes up the face is purple and red, with eight sharp spear-like spikes protruding from the underside of it, four lining up with where a cheek would be for a human. Two thicker and longer ones protruded from the top of its heart-shaped head, sticking straight up toward the sky.

Without meaning to I release a breath of horror, too quiet for the celebrating occult members to hear, yet the creature seems to hear it. Its body shifts from a physical form to that of a spirit then back again, repeating and repeating. Here one second, then disappearing the next, as If it doesn't have the power to fully manifest. As its wooden face twitched and weathered on its neck, it surveyed for what caused the noise it heard; its imposing hands spread out across the ground as it crawled, the appendages and its back twisting in the most horrific and inhuman ways. Its joints produce a sticky liquid-type sound, and its hands as they hit the ground sound akin to a wet cloth hitting rocky; only far heavier and far louder.

Searching too and frow I find a rocky overhang, small enough to conceal me, yet big enough for me to crouch comfortably in; with quick silent feet, I rush in, crouching low and wrapping my arms around my knees, eyes locked onto the horrific scene before me.

The rocky overhang above my head shutters when its large hand falls onto it, thick, long fingers stained with red curl around it; the appendage just barely missing my head as it grips it. The figure turns to shadows once more as my mind races, frantic eyes locked onto the finger just in front of my head; breath deathly still so it does not feel the air on its leaky appendage. Rancid fluid falls from the finger, landing on my knee and causing it to burn, the liquid eating through the fabric and right down to the delicate mussel under my skin. I hold in my scream of agony as my mind races, 'I need to stop it from fully manifesting...the occult seems to be performing the ritual still...I need to kill them all now and put out that fire...I need to stop whatever this is from being unleashed.'

As I gather my magic, the fingers in front of me curl into the rock, the shadowy appendages going right through it as its physical body is separated from its spirit once more. Fast lips whisper the spell, shaky hands raising up to cast my dome to snuff out the oxygen around the occult; the fire withers quickly due to its side and needs for air. The Creature wails above me as it clamors backward, banging against the barrier, trying to break it apart so the fire can burn brightly once more. Its body morphs back into existence as its hands come down heavier; I can hear the dome cracking under pressure.

'I need to act fast,' I yell to myself as I recite another spell, one to seal the fate of the occult and the creature they tried to release into the world. "Turn the air around me rancid. Snuff out the life in my prison until only I remain. Feast on the souls I offer and grant me protection; Lord of the Underworld; Hear my plea.' The space within the barrier starts to rapidly fog, the very air turning purple and burning the flesh from the Occult members. Melting their meat off of their bones, their blood boiling under the skin that managed to cling to the quickly breaking bones. Shrieks and wails of agony seep through the cracks in the barrier as the creature backs away; its own hands gripping its head as it withers around before blinking out of existence. As the cries die down, my body grows heavy, slouching against the rock as the barrier crumbles, allowing the stench of death to permeate the air. My eyes flutter closed as my magic reserves are emptied, thanks to the two spells I casted; and I allow sleep to take me, thankful I had managed to stop that creature's existence.

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