Departures and New Greetings; Time for A New Adventure

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Link, Zelda and I meet up with the other champions at the entrance to Mount Lanayru; Zelda's head turned downwards, her feet slightly dragging. Once the other champions come into sight, I remove my hand from Zelda's after giving it a light squeeze. All at once, the Champions crowd us, asking Zelda how it went, if her powers had awakened; only for her to shake her head and inform them of the harsh reality. Her powers still have not awakened, not even a small shift to let her know they're coming. I chew my lip and dig the toey shoe into the dirt covering the cobblestone path; listening to Urbosa and Mipha try to comfort the downtrodden princess. All of a sudden, the ground starts to shake, knocking me to the ground, Link struggles to keep his footing as he grabs hold of Zelda to keep her steady. A gust of wind kicks up dirt as Revali takes to the sky before crashing back to earth.

"It's here," Urbosa's surprisingly calm voice gives way to our worst nightmares. I quickly spring up from the ground, eyes wide and frantic; a loud ringing in my ear as my pulse shoots through my veins pushing adrenaline throughout my whole body. My breathing is uneven and ragged as I grab the front of my tunic over my heart; watching as Malice circles the castle forming a shape of a roaring beast, the very ground shaking as the sound reaches us.

'NO, no, no, no! We aren't ready yet. Zelda's powers still aren't awakened. And mine? I can barely control them while in a blind panic; like now! Oh God, Goddesses; any higher being, please let this workout.'

I'm brought crashing back to reality as Link's firm hold grips my arm, wide panicked eyes meet his. My vision is spotted with black as I take a deep breath, restarting my lungs. In a pitifully quiet voice, I whimper out. "I'm okay." Closing my eyes I take a few deep breaths, my body stopping its trembling as I clear my mind for the moment. "Everyone please wait. We won't make it into position in time like this. I can't do this more than once a week; so please do not move while I teleport us all closer to our desired locations."

My eyes slide shut as a soft purple glow emits from me, spreading out to engulf the champions, the princess, and myself. Frantic lips move as I speak in my people's language, chanting an incantation and locations for each. Only their names and regions are registered to their brain. In a blink of an eye, we are closer to our destination; making a trip that would last well over 2 days, a mere 30-minute run. I stagger in place panting heavily with the output, collapsing against Link's back before quickly straightening up. "Let's hurry. I'm fine."

I wipe sweat from my brow as we take off in a sprint toward the castle, Link has a tight hold of Zelda's hand as he leads the charge. The princess and I struggle to match his pace, yet make no move to argue with him. My legs start to burn, as do my lungs with the strain as I start to lag behind slightly; yet push myself further. After what felt like an agonizing eternity we made it to Castle town. The citizens are panicked as they pack belongings and start to frantically exit the city, pushing and shoving us aside as we fight against the sea of people. Not too long after pushing through the crowd, we make it to the castle itself, witnessing the king and a group of guards retreat.

"Your highness!" My frantic painting voice comes out all too rushed and high-pitched as we skid to a stop in front of him. His wide eyes meet Zelda's as he rushes to her.

"Did you," he is quickly cut off with a shake of Zelda's head as she grips onto her father, tears forming in her eyes. "I see, then we have no choice now. Let us pray we wind this war with only the mage and chosen hero. For now, we need to get you to safety."

"No Father, I will not abandon you or my people. There must be some way I can help." Zelda's fists are clenched at her side, fire burning within her causing the king's face to soften.

All at once, the rumbling appears up the path as large metallic creatures rush to us; an ominous beeping follows as the eye glows. "Oh, Shit," my voice wavers as I take a step back, my hands coming up as I try to will power through my exhaust form...but nothing happens. "Fuck! They won't work! That teleportation took more out of me than I thought."

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