It Can't Be

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The familiar feeling of falling returned, the wind whipping around me, and the feeling of cold water pelting me, causing my whole body to sting and shiver. A loud splash is heard as I fall head first into a rushing stream, the shock of the cold water waking my senses far too fast; gasping in a breath, ice-cold water rushes into my lungs burning me from the inside out with its frigid temperature. Desperately, I scratch and claw at the water trying to resurface, sputtering, and coughing as my head breaks the surface for a moment, only to be slammed back down under the water. Twisting and swirling against the current as it drags me further and further down the river, slamming me into rocks on my way and taring up my skin and clothing on their sharp surface. I try to grasp onto them, only to have my fingers sliced open by the rough rocks and my nails to be pulled back, blood leaking from my hands; my digits stinging from the ice water, and sediments that it carries into my new wounds. With every struggle inhale I can achieve as I surface, another lung full of air is knocked out of me as I slam into another rock and ripped further downstream; freezing water spilling down my esophagus and settling into my lungs. Finally, the water current spits me out into the shallows, far enough onto it for me to drag my way to the bank of the river, the strong current still threatening to rip me back into its clutches as the rocks and pebbles below me is dragged out. Once halfway out of the water and on more sturdy ground, I collapse, panting and coughing up water, my body in enough shock that I do not feel the cold in the air. I can see each breath materializing in front of me, water rushes from my lungs and into a puddle below me as I cough and heave; greedily sucking down air. My wish to be dry is soon smashed into a thousand pieces as I registered the raging rain petting me without mercy.

I moan out into the air, letting my head fall to rest on the rocks and mud below me; mud tangling into my hair and coating my clothing as I lay there waiting for the strength to move, my eyes threatening to shut on me. A voice calls out to me, causing me to flinch, but not lift my head, too tired from nearly drowning. The sound of desperate footfalls meets my ears next, as a group rushes to my aid.

"Hey, are you okay?" A voice that sounds oh so familiar, yet escaping my mind just the same, utters to me, as they fall to the ground near me; my eyes barely open enough to see the tan of their pants and boots; my breathing still ragged and weak. "I'm going to turn you over," they murmur to me softly, before a strong firm hand pushes on my shoulder, flipping me onto my back, as they lean over me to block the rain from my face as much as possible.

The figure above me is blurry as my eyes flutter, fighting to stay open, a loud gasp just to the right of me, as another voice speaks. "We need to get her to the"

Everything goes black as I slip into unconsciousness, my body feeling heavy and warm from the startings of hypothermia.

When I next pry my eyes open, I'm met with a dimly lit area, the sounds of rain loud splashing against stone and water. The luminescent stones that make up the room shine with a beautiful pale blue-green light, bathing me with its calming aura and putting me somewhat at ease. I slowly sit up and look around me, a blue Zora rushing to my side once he sees me groggily sitting up.

"Try not to push yourself. You were in pretty bad shape when you arrived," the large blue fisherman informed me.

I hum softly, throat scratchy as I croak out, "can I get some water, Mr..."

"Kayden..of course. Stay right there I will be back," Kayden rushes off, leaving me alone in the Inn.

Looking around it dawns on me just how familiar this place is, shifting out of the bed my bare feet land on cool stone, and looking down I see that while still dressed, my shoes and socks had been removed, as well as my belt, packs, and thigh sheaths. Looking around I find them on the desk the Zora had just been at; on shaky limbs I push myself up, studying myself against the wall as I move at a snail's pace to retrieve my belongings. Once there I plop myself on the floor and slowly slide them back on, struggling to pull myself up once more, pain shooting through my hands and body from the beating I took. Hissing, I give up and just sit there until Kayden returns, huffing as he helps me up and back into bed. He hands me a cup of water that I greedily gulp down; with a satisfied sigh, I lower the empty cup and smile up at him. "Thank you, Kayden."

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