Doctor Visits And Communal Baths

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We did not find answers the following day, nor the day after that, or the day after that; and so on and so forth. The days turned into a week faster than I would have liked for the literal nothingness we found. The persistent pressure in my head makes the whole ordeal no easier; the searing pain behind my eyes has spread to my ears, nose, and even mouth. I find myself held up in a dark room until the debilitating pain becomes bearable; the blood work revealing no illnesses hiding within me. To say Damian and I were worried about my condition would be an understatement; yet what could we do? Currently, we have locked ourselves up in the library, scouring every shelf and tabletop for any information on time travel; coming up with only information about the gate of time, and the Goddess of time, but nothing more. No in-depth information, only off-handed mentionings. With a heavy sigh, I lean back in my chair, rubbing my tired eyes.

"This is useless...isn't it Damian."

I hear his book snap closed, his own voice just as tired as mine. "In this library yes...but let's not give up."

Turning my head to look at him I sigh dramatically, "this would be much easier if we could look in Hyrule's libraries. The Goddesses of time and the gate of time, were really only in their land, for the most part. The information we have is just hearsay from talkative merchants. The Royal family has always been secretive on these aspects."

"We'll just need to work with what we have. Can you remember anything else from your dream?"

Closing my eyes I search my memories for a clue, "well, I remember one of the Heroes incarnations had mentioned I appeared in a blinding blue light. And I know I fell from the sky...did any of that happen before I woke up a week ago?"

The sound of Damian drumming his fingers against the thick wooden table fills the still air, the occasional bird chirping breaking up the monotony of the conversational lull. "Well, the Northern Lights were brighter that night, but that usually happens this time of year."

Snorting, I roll my eyes, "then why mention it?" I tease.

"Hey," he shrugs, "maybe it could mean something. We're both walking blind right now."

Laughing I agree with him, before moving a hand to grip my head as pain radiates through it; hissing in discomfort my eyes slide shut. "It's back."

Damian quickly flutters about the large room, pulling curtains shut to lessen the visual strain; once completed he lights the fireplace and a few candles for some form of light. "Do you want me to get Dr. Telora?" Damian places a comforting hand on my shoulder as I gather my strength to remove my hand from my forehead and look up.

"No, I think...I'll be alright." Something tickles my eye, warm wetness trickling down my cheek and plopping onto the table. Shakily I move my hand to wipe my cheek, the warm sticky liquid turning my fingertips scarlet. With widened eyes, I look up at Damian, who looks just as frightened. "I knew this felt familiar."

"Familiar?" Damian's voice squeaks as it rises in octave, "you're bleeding from your eyes! I'm getting the doctor!"

"Wait," I quickly grab his arm; "this is just like that healing spell. Remember how I said in my dream I used it on Twilight?"

I can feel Damian's stiff muscles begging to move as he fights back against his need to fetch medical attention. "Yeah, and? This shouldn't be happening."

I stand, wobbling on my feet as I feel drained. "Unless I really did go back in time, and now the strain and injuries that occurred are reappearing."

"That seems...counterproductive. Did you not get transferred back in time to keep from dying?"

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