When Heaven and Earth Meet, A Parting Will Follow

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Over the following few weeks, I have forced myself into Link's adventure, trying to get stronger, trying to be of more use; and trying to keep Link, a magnet of death and danger, alive. But the story does not begin or stop here. No, far from it. We never ran into another version of myself, small signs of her, yes. Like footprints that matched mine...only for Link to point out those were mine. Link had no idea who or what I am looking for, and aids me any way he can; even as I dodge any and all questions he has on the matter.

The battle against Demise was tough, a bloody and rage-fueled battle. I aided Link as much as I could, while I worked to keep Zelda's body alive when her soul and power were ripped from her. Magic returning can only do so much to a dead body...I needed to keep it fresh, to keep oxygen and blood rushing through her veins to keep her body and brain from starting the decaying process the second she collapsed. When Link reigned victorious, I cried...sobbed really, when Zelda regained life; throwing my arms around her I hugged her. She hugged back, thanking me for keeping Link safe, and keeping her body alive while her soul was gone; Link soon joined in on the hug, followed by Groose. The happy moment was ruined when Impa started to disappear, saying her farewells to us all.

From there, the residents of Skyloft, under Zelda and her father's guide, started the process of accepting their new home. A month passes, and a small shanty town forms as they work on more stable homes. Link and I have been tasked to eradicate some monsters trying to move into the area. I have given up on going home, mourning the loss of everyone and everything I knew in my own time; too scared to travel to my own home Kingdom, fearing what may happen or what might await me.

As we traverse the overgrown forest my mind wanders to my previous life and everyone that I missed; deciding to lighten my own mood I turn to Link to speak, a small sad smile on my lips. "Hey Link, do you ever wonder what it would be like to eat a rock?" Not just any rock, but a rock roast from the Goron settlement."

He looks at me and laughs while ruffling my hair under a calloused hand. "Uh, no. Not at all. You can't eat rocks; pretty sure it would kill you."

I chuckle as I pull his hand from my hair, tossing it back to him, "...A friend of mine swore by them and said they were good; even if they tasted kind of like rock."

Through Link's chuckles, "I'd love to meet him. He sounds interesting."

"...he's dead." 'At least to me he is. Technically he has yet to be born.'

"...I'm sorry."

Waving him off I sigh, "It's alright...you look so much like him; sometimes I forget you two are not the same person. And Zelda, she looks so much like a friend of mine as well...moving on! Let's get these creatures taken care of, and head back. It's my turn to help cook." I give Link a small smile, before looking ahead of me, and laugh when he throws an arm around my shoulders.

"Well, you always have Zelda and I, and all the others. Make your life here with us, and if you ever need to talk, know that we'll be here for you."

I lean into his side, letting my eyes slide shut as I relax against him; finding comfort, "I just might take you up on that offer. I got a lot going on up here," I tap my head a few times with my pointer finger, making the both of us laugh. "I hope you're ready for all of it because once I start, I won't stop."

He gives me a little squeeze, "Zelda and I are more than ready. We want to get to know you better. After everything you did for us, for the people of Skyloft, and the people of the surface...your motives make me curious. Sure, duty and all is a reason but, to be so willing to throw yourself into harm's way to save us; it seems a little extreme."

I snort and roll my eyes, "Oh please, you do the same thing, Mr. Hero."

"Hey! That's Mr. Chosen Hero Savior of All, to you. Address me properly."

I laugh out loud and cover my mouth to try and silence it, not wanting to give a warning to the creatures we are hunting. Then the crushing weight of guilt hits me, causing me to quickly pull away and wrap my arms around myself.

Link stops walking and grabs my arm to stop me as well, "are you okay?"

I lick my lips as I steady myself to admit something that has been weighing down my shoulders. "It's my fault you know...why my friends are dead," 'or will be in my time.' "As you've seen...physically I am lacking strength and skill for combat...my magic isn't always the most reliable...and when I cast a large spell...it puts me out of commission for a while. I failed them in a large battle we were having with...Demise's creations." I dig my nails into my arm, lip trembling, "If I took my studies more seriously, and demanded to learn my offensive spells...maybe things would have been different. You know?"

"That is not your fault. Unfortunately, you weren't strong enough. These things happen."

"I'm supposed to be this legendary hero, yet I couldn't save the people I care for."

He makes me look up at him, his hands squishing my cheeks so that I can't talk; making me look more like a fish than a person. "You saved my life, and Zelda's on more than one occasion. You became a legendary hero when you decided to aid in saving Zelda and sealing Demise. What happened in the past is just that, the past. You need to look forward and do everything you can now and live each day the way that they would want you to. Make them proud."

I speak around my scrunched-up face, my words garbled and slightly whistlely, "Easier said than done...but thank you, Link." Link releases my face and I rub the sore skin and smile up at him. "You're a great friend, Link. If you don't watch out, I might fall in love with you."

His face erupts and I laugh loudly, unraveling my arms from myself and standing tall. "You can't just say stuff like that!"

"Too late, already did. Why are my words going to make you fall for me?" I wiggle my eyebrows at him, with a shit-eating grin, making him push his hand into my face as he looks away, face still aflame. I bat it off laughing as I start to walk, before turning and holding my hand out for him to take. "Come on, if we hurry, we can still get back in time for me to help with dinner."

He starts to reach out to me, smiling, before his eyes widen and a frantic look works its way onto his face. His voice is just as panicked as he calls my name out, his fingers brush directly through my glowing body as if I am not even there. Looking down at myself I see the blue aura surrounding me, my body becoming transparent. "Oh...I see, so I am leaving here after all..." I murmur to myself, looking down at my ghostly hands. 'Does this mean I'm going home? I'll miss everyone here...I don't know if I should be happy or sad about this.'

Link keeps trying to grab hold of me, his hands swatting the air that my spectral form is occupying. "What's going on?! Does it hurt? Are you dying?!"

"It seems it is time for me to go home, huh." A bittersweet smile crosses my lips as I look up at him, "and I just started to like the idea of settling down here with you all. I came to terms with leaving behind everyone I loved." A soft, shaky sigh passes my lips as I gaze into his eyes, "Thank you for everything you've done for me." With a watery chuckle, I reach a hand up to brush his cheek, only for it to phase right through him. "I'll miss you Link...all of you. Don't forget me, because I could never forget about all of you. Even though what we did was dangerous, and difficult, the time I spent with you all will be some of my favorite memories from this life." The space I was once in, now empty as my fading voice rings out one last time. "And remember, don't tell anyone you saw me naked that one time; I have appearances to keep up."

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