I'm Sorry I lied To you...But It Was Funny; You Okay Wild?

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The woman before me is taken aback at my declaration, at the familiarity that seeps into my words like water into the soil. Shaking my head I clear my throat, "I'm sorry, you look so much like her. Forgive my rudeness," bowing my head low I introduce myself. "I am (y/n). Wi- Iean Link said that Lady Impa lived in this village."

The sudden turn to formal and dignified throws the Chain for a loop, sure they have seen me speak to the King, Zelda, or other leaders; in such a way. But that was usually for short periods of time, which gave way to my light-hearted banter. "Oh, um...please-r-rise. No n-need to bow," the woman frantically stutters out, waving her hands about before covering her face with her hands. "My grandmother is here, but I must speak with her first and see if she is ready for visitors. Wait here." Quickly she rushes up the stairs.

"Her name is Paya," Wild informs, leaning against the railing surrounding the home.

"Granddaughter huh?" The corners of my lips upturned with fondness.

"Master Link, good to see you and your friends back so soon! Have you defeated Vah Ruta?" A guard approached us as I was lost in thought; his build was slightly plump, yet screamed strength.

"Yes, we had to come back to speak to Impa about," he notions towards me; "a situation."

Giving a shy wave, "hello," I greet the guard.

The heavy wooden doors open before we have time to continue the conversation, Paya's eyes wide as she rushes down the stairs. "Grandmother said she wants to speak with you immediately. Please hurry to her, the others must wait out here."

"I'm sorry, but that is not an option, Lady Paya. I promised them answers. I'll take the blame for any trouble this will cause." I head towards the stairs, motioning for the others to follow. "It's now or never. I'm followed up the stairs as the knots in my stomach grow larger. The pressure nearly caused me to become rooted in my spot, as my shaky knees begged to buckle under my weight. I persist as we enter the dimly lit home.

Before us sat a small elderly woman, her tan skin wrinkled, eyes closed, and breathing calm. Slowly I approach before dropping to a kneel, bending down I place my forehead on the ground. "Please forgive me for my absence. I am not sure what happened, nor what my absence may have caused. But I am truly and deeply sorry." The chain is silenced by my display, standing in shock at my sudden apology and submissive behavior.

"Please rise, your highness," Impa chuckles as her eyes slide open. "That is no way for royalty to behave."

"I'm sorry, what?" Wind asks, flabbergasted at the information. "Madam Barf? Royalty? I'd sooner believe my boot was a sandwich."

Slowly I rise to a seated position, posture straight, and my chin held high. Without looking at them, I speak. My voice is soft, more like a plea than a command. "Please sit. You have much to learn, or in Wild's case; remember. And Wind," I look over my shoulder to him, a shit-eating smirk working its way onto my face; "start eating."

Just as my head turns to look at Impa once more, Wind's boot slams into the back of my head, knocking me forward and slamming my face into the ground. "You eat it!"

The only answer he receives from me is a loud groan, Wild is laughing so hard he is doubled over in pain. Impa sighs loudly before speaking, "refrain from doing that again. I was informed by my dear Granddaughter that you needed to speak to me, (y/n)."

Slowly I push myself back up to sit, rubbing my red forehead. "R-Right. Sorry. Before I explain everything that has happened, do you perhaps remember the book Princess Zelda read the information of my Kingdom from?"

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