Rito Village Sure Is Depressing

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I glare at Time through my veil as I approach, the deep snow sucking up my legs as I struggle; however I address the group, "I see you freed Naydra." I peer around them to the glowing shrine, "and you found a shrine."

Wild gives me a soft smile and nods, "We did. I was on my way to help you up here."

I turn my head to face Time, "That's very kind of you Wild. Go on ahead into the shrine. I'm sure Time will have no problem setting up camp; after all, he's in charge right?" Although my words themself are inflammatory, my tone adds to it, a thinly veiled venom under a sweet tone.

"When I finish up," Wild ignores my jabs at Time; "I have some questions for you."

"I'll see if I feel like answering them," I lean against a rocky structure. "Please hurry, it's cold up here."

Time is quiet as he moves, getting wood and flint from Wild, and setting up a large fire for us to gather around. Wild quickly heads for the shrine, entering inside.

"I wonder what it looks like in the Shrines," Wind thinks out loud.

Twilight nods, "I'm curious too. We should ask Wild to take a few pictures next time we find one."

"Do you think he would?" Sky questions as he helps Time push snow away from the fire; making a clean dry area for us all to sit.

"I do not see why he would not," Hyrule sits by the fire, letting out a small appreciative sigh as warmth spreads through his numbed body.

I sit a little ways away from them, close enough to the fire to be warm, but with enough distance that they know I'm still extremely angry at all of them. I slip my gloves off and hold my hands out to the fire, rubbing them together to regain movement in my fingers.

"Then let's ask him," Wind sits next to me, causing me to scoot away from him quickly. "That's not nice," his voice is soft, his eyes confused when he looks at me.

I ignore him, focusing on the dancing flames. Twilight lets out a heavy sigh, "are you still acting like a child?"

"The only thing childish about this whole situation is how you all expect me to just get over it;" I spit out.

"Leave her be," Hyrule sighs. "Let her be angry, and when she's ready, she'll talk to us."

"Thank you," I say with no gratitude or joy in my voice. In fact, I sound downright irritated with the whole situation; or them, or all of the above.

"This is getting ridiculous," Warrior groans more so to himself. I bite my tongue, not wanting to start another argument because of my fury.

Just as we start to allow our bodies to rest, Wild exits the shrine, letting us know there is no puzzle inside of it. "We can head down the mountain whenever you are all ready."

Standing, I stretch "Let's hurry then. I'd like to sleep in a bed tonight," my eyes behind the veil dart between the Chain.

"Allow Wild a moment to rest and collect himself," Sky pats the empty spot next to him. "We'll eat then head down."

Wild pulls his slate and starts to withdraw items for our meal, my eyes scanning over each ingredient. My brows push into confusion as I spot a particular flower not used in Hylian cooling. It's native to colder climates and unassuming with few edible parts.

" Ice spice? " The unfamiliar word draws the chain's attention, Wild grinning happily at my words.

"Yeah. I remember you saying that you used to eat a venison stew that used this flower."

A soft smile graces my features as I move closer, crouching down and wrapping one arm around my knees; as the other grasps the stem of the flower tenderly. "Goddess, it's been so long...your imitation of the dish shortly after I came to Hyrule...it was almost identical."

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