Can You Still Feel The Rain?

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My eyes take in the village, studying the amount of erosion on the rocky structure that the small village is built on. My fingers brush against the rough, yet slightly smooth surface. My voice is even when I speak, keeping my longing for the past at bay, "We'll need some more suitable clothing while we're here. The nights get cold, and if we need to venture into the tundra, we'll freeze within minutes."

"The tundra?" Wild questions.

"Mhm," I point off into the distance, where snow coats the ground and mountains. "There's a small Rito training ground there, it is also in the direction of my kingdom."

The Chain's eyes scan the distant landscape, Warrior speaking up. "You come from a place that cold?"

I shake my head, "No...well yes. The outskirts of my kingdom is a baren snow clad wasteland, and winters in my kingdom are especially harsh. But overall, my Kingdom has a mild, if not chilly climate. Central Hyrule could be comparable, if not ten to twenty degrees warmer on average."

"So, your kingdom," Wind pipes up, "Is normally like Hyrule's early winter or late fall?"

"Yup," I pop the p as we descend the stairs, the Elder's home just behind us. "I guess that's why I do not do well in the heat," I half joke as I lean over the railing, glancing down at the sheer drop below; the small up draft causes my hair and clothing to billow and ripple in the wind. My eyes close as I breathe in deeply, the smell of wet dirt, fresh grass, and evergreen trees heavy; my body relaxing at the familiar scent.

"You like it here," Warrior states more so than asks.

"It reminds me of home," my hands tighten against the rough, splintering, and aged wood of the railing, before pushing off of it gently. A slight dampness clings to my leather clad palms from the moist wood, 'it rained recently,' I find myself thinking as I lead the chain forward. 'I wonder if Medoh blocks a majority of it from reaching the village. How sad,' my eyes travel to the circling mass above us. 'Ravali always said that the Rito love rain. Basking, playing and bathing in a light drizzle; or snuggled close to one another in a downpour. I wonder...does it rain on Medoh?'

My hands grip at the end of my tunic, leather creaking at the force. "Let's hurry to save Revali," I look over my shoulder at Wild; "He gets sassy when kept waiting too long. And he's been waiting over a hundred years already."

Wild gives me a thumbs up, a wide grin on his face. "We'll save him for sure."

"Ah!" The sudden sound of a woman draws our attention behind us. The sound of talons striking the wood gives a hint that she is a Rito, even before we catch sight of her purple feathers. "Forgive my intrusion, but I overheard you speaking with the elder. It sounds like you intend to help my husband, Teba, in the fight against Vah Medoh. But to tell you the truth, there is not much I can do for you right now, besides telling you where my husband went."

Wild tilts his head, something that always makes me picture him as a lost little puppy. "That would actually be a lot of help. Where did he go?"

"Well, my husband headed for a place called the flight range. It's in the Dronoc's Pass, at the base of the Hebra mountains." Her worried eyes shift to us, the small group behind Wild before looking back at him. "It's a place where Rito warriors train for aerial combat...I imagine he's gone there to gather more weapons for another run at Vah Medoh. As it happens, he made his way to the Flight Range on foot today." She turns and gestures to the small wooden platform just below us. "If you take off from Ravali's landing, it's a straight shot down to the Flight Range."

I step closer cautiously, my eyes wide behind the veil, "Ravali's Landing?" I find myself questioning out loud, more so in disbelief than anything else.

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