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As the days cut down, August knew her time at Hogwarts was shortening. O.W.L's were only a month away now, meaning the end of the year was nearing, meaning she'd be away from her friends for a long period. But, she also knew that this was her opportunity to do the three tasks the Dumbledore had requested she try to do during this break over the school year, communicate through written and speech dialogues to three mythical creatures that witches and wizards communicate with regularly. She had yet to discover the three creatures she would communicate with, but she knew deep down, Goblin's have a part, one of the most useful magical creatures to be known to the Wizarding World, she had a feeling that Centaurs and perhaps Mermaids could have a part in it, but what about the many species of fairies? Nymphs? Pixies? There were many creatures that could serve with a great deal of purposes to the order if an alliance was to be formed, it just seemed pendant on whether or not Voldemort had reached them or not yet.

August laid on the floor next in the common room late that night, when the lanky boy leaned against the rails wondering what she was doing awake and jotting notes down of. "Abe?" 

"Heya, Moony." She said softly after a slight surprise to see her friend, "How are you feeling?"

"I've been alright, was probably one of my healthiest shifts."

"That's very good to know, Moony."

"Why are you studying a fairies dialect and what makes them different from other generations of fairies?" 

"Oh, these are just for a small project I started today for Mythical Creatures." August said shrugging, though she watched him closely as he tried to read the writing which was perfect to the eye, but complicated to translate. 

"Ah." He said almost awkwardly. "You realise you do have O.W.L's soon right?"

"Of course, I know that, Moony, I've already studied everything, I'll do my recaps before the exams." She said smiling at him. Moony nodded and smiled at her, she kept so caught up with school he never really knew how. As the silence carried on longer, without neither realising, August's mind drifted back to the brunette she knew was hiding in his bed in deep slumber, until August filled that void with a sudden question. "Say, do you know.... If Padfoot is like- I don't know... interested? In ugh, woollen sweaters?

Her question seemed to blur off for him, he thought her question was going to lead else where but he only played it off like he knew what she was covering it up with. "Um, I think he wouldn't mind a sweater. Especially by his number one girl." He said before leaving the room in a hurry, a cheeky grin plastering on his face.

"She is not my number one girl." 

"Well then who is, Padfoot?"

"Prongs. Ain't that right, sweetheart!" Wrapping his arm around James' shoulders into a tight hug, his lips reaching his temple in a sweet manner. James' only shrugged Sirius off then looked at his friend. 

"Shut up, Padfoot." James said shoving his friend before looking at Remus, "So it sounds like she was asking if Padfoot is interested in someone? But covered it up by asking if he would like a sweater?"

"Seems to be so." Wormtail walked beside the two, his eyes reading each word to the Daily Prophet carefully, not a care in the world to the conversation his friends were sharing. "I think our Dear August might finally be interested in Sirius after so long."

"Guys, she probably just was hoping to ask about something else, but just you know! Besides, August would never like someone like me, she knows what I'm like, and she's too smart to put herself through myself, though I would never do that to her, and I'd wait for her as long as it takes... She still is too smart, which I love and hate in this situation. Even if she did want to ask if I was interested in anyone or her, she still would know better to come after me because i'm a man-whore."

Sitting at their table in the Great Hall for the morning breakfast, the hundreds of students who were slowly piling into the grand room with their tired and excited voices desperate for food to quench their hunger, each student oblivious to the bets that teachers were placing amongst themselves since every new year, but just like their students, the staff members liked a little gossip their selves, Minerva McGonagall lent in close to the Headmaster of Hogwarts, "Guess who I just heard talking about a certain blonde." 

"Don't tell me it was Mr. Black." 

"It indeed was." She said with a smug face whilst leaning back into her chair, "I believe that Merlin is siding with me on this bet." 

"I still believe that Mr. Lupin could try his best with her." 

"Of course you think that, but Black and her have a too alike past, present and most likely future. What happens to the other, will most likely happen to the other."

Of course McGonagall knew that it would be fifty-fifty, that the Gryffindor friend group experienced the same things, or similar things, but did she truly know that some would experience it at the first given time, then others the second? At least, in the end they can share it together in the end, but after years to come and go. 

Years yet to be discovered.

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