Chapter 2: Sleepy Hollow

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  The events of Halloween were a blur for me. I recall being sent from my mother into the city to hunt for the night, since monsters seem to be most active on Halloween. I recall facing someone, a vampire. But something was different about her. She was not like other vampires I've faced before.

  I was sore all over my body, I faintly looked up as I could hear the sound of a car driving down what appeared to be a freeway. Looking around more, I noticed the inside of the car was dark. Very dark. The windows were so tinted that I couldn't even see outside of the window. Turned to my left in the passenger seat to see a woman with red hair driving the car, and I could see an image of the road was being projected for her eyes to see.

Aleera: Glad to see you awake boy.

  I tried to sit up and move my hands around, but I was only met with pain. Looking down to see your hands and legs are bound together with barbed wire. 

Y/N: W-What happened? Where am I?

Aleera: Little Van Helsing, you do not remember?

Y/N: Remember what?

Aleera: You and I are bound. You are mine. With all of your mind and body. You promised yourself to me to save your dearest mother. You are a very noble human indeed.

  I had forgotten about that. I tried to break or slip out of these binds. But with each struggle, they burrowed beneath my skin, only adding to the literal pain these bindings brought.

Aleera: Oh try not to struggle dear. I'd rather not be tempted to drink from you again. Otherwise you may die.

Y/N: Where are you taking me?

Aleera: To the supernatural homestead of America. A village you may have heard of in stories. A place where the sun never shines, and the freaks are seemingly always out.

  This wasn't good, not in the slightest. I couldn't recall if a place like that was even real, but it didn't seem impossible. Especially with places like Transylvania and Styria. Mother always told me about how infested these areas of the world were with monsters. Even places like London and Paris. 

  But wherever she was taking me made it clear that I was some distance away from New Haven. But where exactly was this place?

  As your thoughts rang throughout your mind, you feel the car stop. Aleera exits the vehicle making her way to the passenger side of the car. She opens the door and carries me in her grasp bridal style. The first thing that hit me was the scent of rain, as if it had just freshly rained before we arrived. While this scent made me feel some slight ese, I noticed the manor in front of us. It wasn't as big as a castle. But it definitely was as large as most manor's go.

Aleera: Welcome to Sleepy Hollow darling.~

Y/N: Sleepy Hollow? Are we still in the states?

Aleera: Yes. Not to far from New York City actually. But far enough for our own little section of the world.

Y/N: You said this was a supernatural homestead. So there are nothing but monsters here?

Aleera: Of course not. Humans dwell here, but the humans that do mostly have darkness in their hearts, in one way or another. You'll have your own darkness soon enough, I'll be sure of it.

Y/N: God as my witness, I refuse to succumb to your heathenistic ways.

  Aleera purred and leaned down to lightly press her lips on my neck, her cold lips sending a shiver up my body.

Aleera: Oh such a good hunter. I love it when you speak religious, it's so sexy.~

  She ignored my resistance and effortlessly carried me into the door of the manor. The doors seemingly opened on their own. Talk about walking into a horror movie. Mist leaked out of the door as Aleera carried me inside. It was cold, not temperature wise, but the sense of inside this manor just felt off to me. Then again, this was Aleera's resident, but a cols shiver overcame you as you remembered something about Aleera.

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