Chapter 26: Pan!c at the Café

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Y/N: -And now you're here, and I have no idea what is up with me. I don't feel like me. . . But, I feel. . . better. Even better than before.

  Victoria Wraps her arms around you, resting her head on your chest.

Victoria: Mmmm, his physiology is different indeed. Such strong musculature while maintaining the same frame as before, though his height has increased a bit.

  Morrigan wraps her arms around you as well.

Morrigan: Oh the potions I could make with your essence! They'd be so powerful indeed.

Aleera: Which reminds me. What was in that syringe mother?

Rachel: Stop calling me that! I am already frustrated enough. (Y/N), I appreciate your honesty, but, I am also disgusted that the night you left home on Halloween you did. . . THAT with Aleera.

Y/N: What? You said to use any tactic I had to kill them.

  Rachel rolls her eyes as she gathers herself.

Rachel: Inside the syringe was a mix of different bloods. The blood types all matched yours (Y/N), but, they were blood from different beasts. Inside was the blood from various beasts that we've fought or encountered. It is INCREDIBLY rare and hard to make. Blood from beasts such as Gorgons, Sirens, Werewolves, Vampires, Witches, and so on. It's meant to heal wounds that you cannot heal as a human. Saving you from death. This practice was forbidden amongst hunters. Which is why the Catholic Church excommunicated us when I was a little girl.

Y/N: . . .But we're Christian.

Rachel: Exactly.

Morrigan: So, he has all of that blood in his veins right now? Isn't that dangerous?

Rachel: No. The abnormalities will pass. But until then he will get various traits. They can only be fully activated if he were to be turned in any of the conventional ways, only, it would possibly do more than just turn him.

Victoria: Interesting. How long will the effects last?

Rachel: Only about a few days. So, how do you feel son?

  You stand up and grab Verona, carrying her bridal style with ease making her open her eyes wider.

Verona: Oh my. Very strong indeed.~

Y/N: . . . Does this have to be temporary?

Rachel: Has your mind been tainted that much? You cannot remain here any longer or you'll be tainted more by these. . . beasts in this city.

Sutrah: Ouch.

Aleera: So rude.

Y/N: Mom, with all do respect, I don't want to leave.

  Rachel looks at you with wide eyes as she turns to you. You set Verona down as you look back to her.

Y/N: Mother. I know we've been apart from so long, but. . . How do I say this? . . . I feel more. . At home here.

Rachel: Do you hear yourself right now? You really want to live amongst these monsters? The same beasts that killed your father and did THIS to me?!?!

Y/N: As far as I'm concerned, Sutrah, Victoria, and Morrigan haven't done anything to me or you! Mother please, I am not trying to come off like I'm betraying you! 

Rachel: But you'd be safer with me!

  Verona gets her attention with a cough as she stands up.

Verona: Actually, he isn't. . . I wasn't going to share in hopes it was just a rumor, but after the recent assassination attempt on (Y/N), it is proven to be too late now. (Y/N). The person who shot you serves under an ancient evil that is centuries old. . . Her name is Carmilla of Styria.

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