Chapter 41

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"Dad!?! What are you doing here? Mom told me to get a cab!"

My dad was walking towards me in his usual attire that consisted of running shoes, shorts, his golfing shirt and jacket and Boston Red Sox baseball hat.

"Wanted to surprise ya kiddo!!"

My dad pulled me into a bear hug and for the first time in weeks, I felt safe. I loved my dad more than anything in this world and making him proud was high on my list. I thought back to my actions the last months of school and honestly wanted to cry but I kept my composure.

"You hungry, let's get some lunch."

My dad and I went to eat at our favorite mom and pop restaurant right by the shore and the smell of salt was comforting after the smells of New York.

"So, how's it feel to be a college graduate??"

"It's amazing, dad. It's been rough but I made it through."

"Well, I am proud of you and your mom told me that Marc and George offered you a job?"

"Not exactly but I am on my way. I am hoping they offer me a paid job soon but I'll be patient. So, how did you actually get off during the day?"

"My only daughter is home! That deserves a day off."

"Well, thanks dad, I'm so happy to be home and away from the city for a while. Mom told you I'm staying for a bit before I go back?"

"Yup! I have to work, of course, but we can find things to do. We can take the boat out soon too. It's finally getting warm."

"Yes, let's do that."

After lunch, we headed back to my home growing up. It was picture perfect with its old red brick and white windows. There was vine running up the front and flowers and trees all over the property. It was on the larger side but it was what I always knew.

I pushed back the front door and the familiar home smell was comforting. I hugged my dad before his cell phone starting ringing. I grabbed my bags and walked up the familiar staircase and grabbed my door handle and pushed back the door.

It was exactly the way I had left it. My huge canopy bed faced my floor to ceiling windows and my loveseat faced towards the flat screen mounted on the wall. I loved the way my mom and I picked the sea foam and dark red colors that accented the rest of the house. I would come home to visit my parents but I never stayed longer than a couple weeks and during summer I was working with Marc and George. I had never wanted to be home as bad as I did now.

 I laid down on my bed and before I knew it, my eyes were heavy and I fell asleep.

I was looking down into a room like I was some kind of fly. I saw the top of two heads that were inches from each other. One was blonde and the other was a mix of curls that were pulled back. I needed to move closer. Whatever body I was in listened to me and I moved closer. It was Harry and some blonde girl. My dream had given her big black eyes and a black mouth. I needed to warn Harry that she was evil. She was looking right at me and she was grinning.

"You think Harry would ever want you after he's been with me? You are nothing. Harry only wants models like me. We look right together. You look like trash next to him. Stay away."

Whatever body I was in didn't allow me to talk or move again. I needed to get Harry away from her. The scene was swallowed up and I was pulled from my dream by my phone was buzzing.

It was Laurie texting me that I had mail. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and realized it was dark out now. The blonde eyeless mouthless demon like thing was still bothering me as I went to shower before wandering downstairs. The house was quiet after my shower.

I opened the fridge to grab my lunch leftovers and sat down at the kitchen table. I didn't mind the quiet after the chaos of finals and drama. My mind wandered to my graduation in a few weeks and I couldn't wait to walk and get my diploma. I was proud of myself for getting through even with the Harry fiasco. I hoped he was happy with his blonde bombshell and maybe that was what he wanted. I can't say that it didn't sting but it wasn't as deep as before.

I guess my heart was never really broken before. I guess I was lucky to never have fallen for anyone in high school and really all of college. I didn't understand why girls spent their time worrying about having a boyfriend when they should be trying to improve themselves. I always told my high school and a few college friends that if they focused on themselves, the boyfriends will gravitate. Some listened and some didn't, but that was always my advice to them when they would ask me for advice at 5 AM between crying.

I cleaned up my late dinner and wandered back to my room to eventually fall back asleep.

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