Chapter 95

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I tried to read his face as we entered the elevator while my mind was spinning. I prayed he wouldn't explode as the elevator doors opened into exactly what Harry had told me. It was some kind of wing of the castle that had the most beautiful view from the tall windows which were decorated with thick, red velvet curtains. Chandeliers lined the walls and they flickered against the stone walls casting shadows over the décor. Up close, you could see that everything was powered by electricity even the chandeliers. As in the downstairs lobby, there were modern day things decorating the walls like the flat screen TV, the kitchen appliances, and the telephone. The wing was made entirely of stone but it was warm and comforting. I saw that the massive fireplace was lit which was also electric. From where I was standing, I saw a huge spiral staircase and assumed the bedroom or bedrooms were upstairs. Of course, none of this mattered right now. The only thing that mattered was explaining myself to Harry. I couldn't believe I let this slip my mind.



He was silent with his back to me. I could see his shoulders moving up and down from his breathing. "Just tell me where it is..."

"Harry, listen to me."


I was taken aback from his tone. I instantly felt my guard go up. What if I just took it off so to not lose it? What if it was tucked safely inside my suitcase? Or what if I left it home to get it cleaned? My inner conscious laughed at my thoughts knowing I wasn't about to lie to him about this.

"Harry, we-we were going through all that shit and I was damn upset..."

"Just tell me where it is."

"It's gone. Harry, please, we promised not to fight like this anymore. I am so sorry about the ring and I will pay you back for it, whatever it takes so you know how sorry I am."

His head dipped down and he turned around so fast, I was even dizzy.

"Rowan, don't you dare say something like that."

I was so confused. Was he mad? I couldn't read his face right now. He walked towards me and I backed up not sure of what to think right now. His hands reached out to my face and I studied him as he rubbed the pads of his thumbs against my cheeks. I looked into his bright green eyes that were shining with tears. I was really confused now. Why was he crying?

I pulled his hands from my face. "Harry, what's wrong??"

He then collapsed onto his knees in front of me and hugged me around my waist. I watching in sheer confusion and tried to pull his face to mine but he wouldn't budge and hugged me tighter. I felt my balance staggering and I braced myself on his shoulders. "Harry, you're going to knock me over, now come on, and please tell me what is wrong. I'm the one who threw the ring into the lake, not you. I should be the one crying."

He looked up and even through his quiet tears, he was smiling. I then took the space to get on my knees to face him. "Harry, please tell me what is wrong..."

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