Chapter 7

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It's been 2 days since they meet. Three girls falls in their routine. Today is Saturday so they have half a day in college, they have classes only in the morning and rest of the afternoon is free.

They came out the campus.

"ha what to do now, we are free na" said sowmya.

"No need to do anything, I have some work I'll go to library" said mythili.

"What? please mythu don't do this yaar" said sowmya.

"No means no, tomorrow we are going to enjoy full day right so not today" said mythili with finality in her voice.

"okay, you are No 1 plan spoiler, go.. go to your 2nd home aka Library. Why late?" sowmya said twisting her mouth.


Today is Sunday...

Though it is Sunday our Ram is working in his office. More like day dreaming about someone. His phone is ringing continuously but till he is dwelling in his thoughts.

In the mean time our super dramatic person none other than Mr. Sravan Kumar entered his cabin. He stood in front of Ram looking at him who was lost in some thoughts.


"Rey Chandu..," still our ram didn't responded to him. Then Sravan came with a brilliant idea, he went outside and brought the handheld megaphone and shouted near ram.


Ram startled and stood from his chair to salute DIG but he saw no one is here and glared at Sravan who was laughing holding his stomach.

"What Chandu ? am observing you from the past two days you are not even behaving like yourself man. What happened?" asked Sravan.

Ram sat on his chair not bothering to answer his questions.

Sravan sat in front him knowing that it's futile to ask the same question again because he knows Ram won't give answers. That's their understanding level between them.

"Do you remember our mission that we discussed in the previous meeting with DIG and IG." asked Sravan.

"Ha, it's complicated one Sravan I went through the case file, the case is closed without any conclusion abruptly, and when I went through the case there is connection between this case and former health minister death case." Ram said thinking deeply.

"What ? Former health Minister Mr. Jayawardhan?" asked Sravan.

"Yes, we need to chase this case from bottom line. Ask our team to get ready." ram said.

There are 5 members in his team includes Ram, it's Ram's core team usually deals with complicated cases. These 5 members traced and chased every case and also succeeded in it. Now Sravan also joined his team.

"First we need to focus on main centers in the city, ask our team to be at main check post points, ask them to check thoroughly, especially in the night times. This is the starting step of our case." said ram.

"Okay, I'll inform them." said Sravan and went out of the cabin.

Ram signed and leaned his head backwards on the chair, closed his eyes.

Again certain someone came into his thoughts, without his permission, from past two days her beautiful face is disturbing him.

In his 27 years of life none disturbed him like this, he is always a career oriented person and he worshiped his work like a god.

But that beautiful black eyes are disturbing him.

He feels a certain kind of peace when he looked into her eyes, that eyes dared to look at him eye-eye when she was arguing with him that day.

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