Bonus🔅 Chapter

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It was evening Mythili was preparing dinner for them. Ram still didn't come to home.

She is making chapattis (roti). When she heard her phone was ringing on the fridge.

It was her amma. She picked up the call.

"Hello amma..."

"hello Mythu are you maa?"

"ha bagunna amma. Meerela unnaru?"

[ fine mummy. How are you?]

"We are fine chitti thalli. When will you come home?"

"Tomorrow amma....for morning train Telangana express. I'll be there at station by 8:30 AM. Inform to Nanna."

"Early morning train? Why mythu? What is the need to come that early? have your breakfast steadily and come by bus." said her amma.

"No amma....that rakshashi [devil] is calling me continuously and shouting at me for not coming to her marriage before a week. Tomorrow she is planning to do some shopping. She was asking me accompany for this one at least." replied mythili still continuing making chapattis and roasting them on pan simultaneously.

"Shopping ah? Before 3 days of marriage?. What is left to do now?" asked her mom.

"Don't ask maa......she is eating my brain since a week. I think she wants some personal stuff." said mythili dropping veggies in the pan and stirring them.


"Amma..tell nanna to pick me up in the morning."

"Okay...wait wait your nanna wants to speak to you." said her amma passing the phone to Suresh.

"Hello..thalli. How are you maa......?" asked her dad.

"Super are you?"

"Good you are coming tomorrow?"

"Ha Nanna....morning telangana( train name) ki vastunaa."

[Yes daddy, coming tomorrow morning for telangana.]

"Okay...You'll stay here till weekend right?" asked her nanna with so much hope in his voice.

Sowmya's wedding is on Wednesday. Now he is asking her to stay till sunday. She knows her parents are missing her so much.

It's been a month since she married. They are so happy in their small nestle. Mythili adopted the change in the environment very quickly. Her in-laws are super supportive. They treat her like their daughter. And Ram..there is no chance to question about him. Till now there were no fights between them.

After their first night at her home. She never visited her parents. She was missing them badly. Due Ram's work commitments, she didn't visited them. Not that she was complaining staying here. They didn't stayed a day more the last time they visited. Though she wants to stay, but due to ram they returned the very next day of their nuptial night.

She was missing them badly other than talking on phone she had no other choice. She wants to talk with her amma with open heart and share everything with her.

Though Ram never stopped her going to her home. In fact back that day he asked her to stay with her parents for some days. But her amma, said that they should leave together to Ram's home. So they returned with no choice.

They got busy in their life settling in their nestle.

Now, when her nanna is asking her to stay more days with them her heart was craving to stay with them. BUT ram........? will he be okay, if I stay there? Not that he stops her. But he always wants her by his side. He is so possessive about her. Even he don't allow her to stay at her in-laws without him being there.

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