Chapter 57

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It was Monday morning arguably the first day of the 5 day torture until the weekend.

Amara was waiting on the sidewalk for Alfred to pick her up and drive her to school. As she jokingly told Damian it was one of the few reasons she got back together with him, so she wouldn't have to walk everywhere but safe to say he wasn't amused.

A couple minutes later she was sat beside Damian, they were in their final year and Damian was more than happy with Tim graduating last year finally leaving him alone.

"Oh I need to tell you something" she quickly turned to Damian who just raised an eyebrow at her sudden outburst. "Vivian may attempt to hurt you" he smirked at her warning "why would walker want to hurt me? Not that she could."

Amara's eyes met Alfred's a smile was growing on his face, Amara sighed remembering when she told Alfred about the threat to Damian's fertility Vivian had made.

"I'd heed Miss Gordon's warning if I were you Master Damian" Alfred advised him pulling up in front of the school.

The two exited the car making their way up the stairs, Damian barely had his foot in the door before he felt a fist meet his face.

"Ow fuck! That hurt a lot more than I thought it would" Vivian shook her hand out, luckily there was barely anyone in the halls thanks to Amara who made sure Alfred had dropped them off early in order to avoid the gossip girls.

Damian held a hand to his face glaring at the brunette in front of him, "what exactly did you tell her?" He muttered to Amara. "I may have told her you're a two timing, no good jerk who deserved to be stuck in and drowned in porta potty poop" Damian turned to her bewildered "seriously?" Amara raised her hands in surrender "spur of the moment rage, it just slipped out I'm sorry baby" she stroked his un injuried cheek. She knew he'd become all flustered at the nickname which was why she only used it for special occasions to distract him from what was actually happening.

Now the three of them were sat in the bathroom, trying to cover up Damian's bruise before Bruce got another call from child protective services about possible child abuse. "Shit I'm sorry I didn't know you guys were cool now" Vivian half apologized she still believed he deserved it for making her best friend cry.

"It's my fault I forgot to tell you" Amara apologized dabbing the concealer onto his cheek. "Is this going to cover it?" Damian asked.

"We put ice on it to get rid of the swelling because make up can't hide swelling" the two girls shared a look "You head that Amber Turd?" Dick had been the one to make her watch the trial and to say he took it a lot more personal than anyone would be an understatement.

"This should cancel out the redness and  then we go over with normal concealer and foundation" it wasn't hard to cover him up, it was winter in Gotham so his natural tan had eased up a little leaving him slightly paler just enough that his colour just about matched Vivian's. There was a slight bump where his bruise was even with the makeup hiding the bluish purple mark.

A few minutes later they were back in the halls as if nothing had happened, Amara shrugged off the glares Leia was sending her, she should know better than to try and steal Damian.

Murmurs started to fill the halls, Amara waited for Damian to grab his books before they could head off to their first class.

"I'm so glad I don't have Mrs Miller this year" Amara grinned at Damian "I have her this year" he reminded her, "yeah but.. she loves you Wayne boys, she hated me" she defended if she was right Damian would easily pass her class without having to even lift a finger. Amara remembered the smile on her face when she was handed an A+ on her final.

"Vivian you still have music this year right?" She asked the brunette but when she didn't respond she turned to her "Viv?" She followed her eye line and to say she was speechless was an understatement. She smacked Damian's chest to get his attention. "Nope, no okay this is Dick and Barbara's problem not ours" she whispered to Damian, "pretend you didn't see him" he muttered back quietly.

"Mari! Ian! Hey guys!" Evan yelled walking up to them. "Hi Vanny, what are you doing here?"

"You can't call me that here I have a reputation to uphold" Damian muttered quietly to him. "Oh my god Ian? I love that!" Vivian snorted loving the annoyed look of her best friends boyfriend. "See what you did" Damian grumbled glaring at the shorter girl "don't call me that walker"

"I figured I needed to freshen up my social skills, what better place to do that then with my friends at a highschool with teenagers" Vivian looked at him weirdly, "he was home schooled" Amara quickly thought of an excuse before she started questioning his odd behavior.

"Bart!" Amara called from across the hallway, "Mari hey-yo I know you!" He called out looking at Vanny.

"I was expecting him later.." he shrugged nonetheless giving him a cheerful smile "Hi I'm Bart, you're Vanny right?" He eagerly shook his hand.

"How do you know my name?" Evan narrowed his eyes on the speedster. "Mari told me about you.." he shrugged. "Can you show him where to get his schedule and stuff, he's new" and with that Damian pushed him into Barts arms watching him get dragged away by the babbling Speedster.

"It's going to be a lot harder to avoid all this isn't it?" Amara asked Damian who looked at her honestly "danger just likes to follow us wherever we go" Amara groaned "as much as I love that guy he's never going to leave us alone" slamming her head into a locker, was it too much to ask for a little break in between her life and death situations.

Barbara sat at the computer trying to locate Nyssa and determine how long it would be until she'd get here. She was preparing herself mentally trying to map out her plan or what she could be planning in order to figure out how they'd counter it.

She heard the elevator ping, "I think she's somewhere in Russia at the moment" she called out to Dick "great so now all we have to do is lure her somewhere put her in a cage and mail her back to where she came from" Amara cheered.

"Oh are you guys helping now?" Barbara sassed them spinning around in the chair. "We were always going to help" Amara told her eyeing Evan who looked at her in disbelief.

"You weren't going to help?" Evan questioned them, "you need to understand that for once this problem isn't directly linked to us, and we had our last murder attempt about a week ago, so forgive us if we aren't eager to join you in your fight with my aunt" Damian told him bluntly, they deserved a break after what they'd been through.

"But you're helping now?" He confirmed.



"We will and then we are going to the Bahamas because it's not fair that Tim and Jay have gotten out of this scot free" she told Damian who reluctantly agreed. "Now, how are we dressing up the bait?" The three of them turned to look at Evan with amused looks.


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