Chapter 67

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Tim was checking on the latest case file they'd managed to get two face and scarecrow back in jail for now yet he couldn't help but think there was a link between the two villains attacking on the same night at the same place in two opposite directions.

The cry of a baby picked up on the baby monitor. Tim had bought one after spending the last 3 nights with the little baby he stole from the lab. He was usually the only one awake at night so he typically was the one to sit with her, give her a bottle and quiet her down when she woke up. He had to admit he got pretty attracted to the baby girl, that's right girl, shocking everyone into thinking they made a female clone of Damian but tests to confirm weren't coming back for at least a couple of days.

"Hey there girl.. you're not a dog and you don't have a name because we don't know who you are uh.." he muttered picking her up. Looking around the room to try and find something he could call her. "Let's just stick with Baby" he told her rocking her slowly.

"Are you hungry?" He asked her in a baby voice "I think you want some milk" he set her down for a second, searching for the formula. He didn't really know what kind so like he took his coffee he blended them all together mixing it with warm water from the thermal, he shook the bottle a couple of times testing the temp on his wrist before feeding her. He found it so cute at how eager she was to drink the whole bottle. "Slow down you're gonna throw up or pee and I'm going to have to clean it up" he told her.

"Tim you ready?" Jason called out walking down the steps his bag in hand. "I'll be a second" he told him trying to be as quiet as possible so he wouldn't wake her.

"I don't know if we should be leaving her behind like this" Tim turned to him "what if she I don't know feels abandoned or something?"

Jason looked at him confused "she's a baby the only thing she feels is the need to eat sleep and poop, do you really want to be on a plane that smells like vomit and baby poop?" He asked to which Tim looked at him pleadingly.

"Look at this face and tell me you don't want to take her" he showed him the wide awake baby girl, she had gorgeous blue eyes and big chubby cheeks which just added to the suspicions she was Bruce's.

"Don't do this to me" Jason shook his head at him "using a baby's cuteness against me thats just low" he groaned taking the baby from him. "Jason please" Tim begged.

"I'm just holding her so you can pack her things and hurry up the plane leaves in an hour" he told the younger boy who ran around packing diapers and formula into a bag.

"It's a private jet, they have nowhere else to go" Tim told him grabbing some clothes from the makeshift dresser they bought her.

"I think this is everything, oh wait! Her bunny" Jason laughed "why are you trying to force that thing on her?"

"Last I checked none of us had a sense of stability, or anything we kept from our childhood besides emotional damage. She needs this." He stuffed the bunny into the bag before they left for the airport.


"They left without us!" Tim yelled in disbelief. Damian decided he couldn't wait and decided to take the opportunity to get Amara alone and question her.

"Relax it's only an hour til the next one" the two of them sat in the corner of the lounge trying to stay hidden so no one would catch them with the baby, last thing they needed was headlines saying one of them became a young father.

Amara sat with Damian sipping mocktails on the beach, the two relishing their moments of peace until Damian's brothers joined them.

"Don't you feel weird?" She asked him shifting her position again. "Like an unscratchable itch just sitting here" she sat up

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