Keira Barcelona Journey

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Keiras POV

I walked into Man City training grounds the next day to meet my manager. I have no idea why I have been called in. I hope I am not in trouble.

As soon as I knocked on Gareth's door he let me in and told me to take a seat. He then proceeded to tell me that yesterday he received a phone call from the Barcelona manager about potentially signing me. I am shocked. I did not expect this at all.

"Keira I am not promising anything. You are one of our best players at City if not the best, and I am not sure if I want to let you go seeing as you have a year left on your contract. I will see what they offer. But first I need your permission to give Jonathan your phone number so he can discuss his offer to you." Gareth told me.

"Yeah sure. I don't know what I want to do yet anyway because City is my childhood club it's all I ever wanted but I am happy to hear him out if that's okay" I responded to my boss. "Alright Keira, enjoy your day off." He concluded our conversation.

As I drove back I thought about what it would be like to play for Barcelona. Great weather, Guaranteed Champions League, a bigger challenge and most of all Lucy. No long distance. That in itself made the change a whole lot more appealing to me.

Instead of going straight home I decided to go to my parents house to discuss what they thought of the move. My dad was very keen on me going, he used to get me to watch Spanish football when I was younger. My mum also agrees that I need the bigger challenge and Barcelona would be a great fit for me even though they would miss me. My mum then stated " Think how sad you were when Lucy left. You now have a solution to everything including your desire to play in champions league. I want what is best for you Kei and I think she is in Spain waiting for you."

"I haven't even told her yet. I probably should because I already saw the rumours flying about instagram and the fans going mental." I told my parents before they ushered me to go home and phone her to get the opinion of the one who mattered most to me.

Lucy's POV

I was at brunch with a few of the Barcelona girls getting to know them when Kei phoned me. We normally had a set facetime time every day so when she called me now I knew it must have been important, probably about her meeting with Gareth earlier.

I apologised to the girls before picking up "Hey Kei what's up" I asked my girlfriend. "Hey Luce. So this is a lot to take in so just hear me out okay. When I went to see Gareth today he basically told me he got a phone call from the barcelona manager asking if they could buy me out of my contract due to their shortage of midfielders. They still need to decide an amount and I need to hear from Jonathan himself but it seems as though they are preparing an offer."

Oh my god.

I can't even force out a reply I was stunned. A couple of the girls looked at me and snapped me out of my trance. As did Keira when she started saying my name through the phone. "Oh sorry Keira I am so happy I forgot to reply. That would be amazing imagine it all fell through. Do you even want to leave city?" I asked her knowing how much she loved her childhood club.

"I think so yeah. It's time for a harder challenge of champions league and being on the same team as you is always a bonus." Her saying this made me so happy.

"Okay babe, I am out with a few of the girls right now so I will call you back later. Just know I will support you no matter what happens. I love you" I told Keira.

"I know Luce. I love you too" She hangs up. I can't hide the smile on my face and all the girls notice it as Mapi breaks the silence asking me if I was going to tell us who that was since I never told any of them I had a partner.

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