Appendix burst

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It was a normal day on England camp, Lucy and Keira both made their way to breakfast as usual and sat at their normal table with Leah, Jordan and Georgia.

They ate their breakfast with conversation naturally flowing through the friends. Just when Lucy was going to laugh at an expected dopey comment Jordan made, she felt a sharp pain in her stomach.

Lucy's POV

I wasn't due on my period, so what was wrong with me? I sat in silence clutching my stomach for around 5 minutes until it suddenly stopped.

I turned to my right, and seen Keira looking at me with a questioned look on her face. "Everything okay Luce?" she asked me.

I quickly nodded my head, not wanting to draw any attention. "I'm fine Kei, don't worry." I replied, as Keira nodded her head but obviously still not completely convinced.

After breakfast, we were given just a couple hours to sit and chill before we went out for training. All players decided to go to the games room to play some table tennis.

Keira and I decided to play as a double against Jordan and Leah. All our teammates stayed and watched as the two couples of the teams battled it out.

Keira and I were clearly winning, until half way through a rally I got the same sharp pain in my stomach as earlier but worse.

I doubled over in pain as Keira instantly dropped her bat and came over to my side. I felt wobbly on my feet, I couldn't support my own weight.

I didn't need to worry about that as my girlfriend wrapped her arms around me and brought me onto the floor in between her legs.

"Lucy what's wrong? Tell me this time" Keira demanded, clearly having kept an eye on me since this morning. "I don't know Keira, it's the same as this morning in my stomach." I tell her as the team surrounds us, all of them are concerned as I never complain about pain.

A couple minutes later, the pain stops again. I immediately get back to my feet, then offered my hand to my girlfriend and helped her up too. "I'm fine" I say before I push past the crowd of my teammates.

I hate people fussing over me, the attention is always too much and I get embarrassed. I know I shouldn't, but I can't help it.

As I make my way through to my hotel room, I felt the pain again. Just closer to the right side of my stomach this time, with the pain being even worse. I stopped right outside my room, clutching my stomach again.

I heard someone running towards me. I knew who it was, "Something is not right, Keira" I admit to my girlfriend who takes my hand and leads me into our room.

"Go lie down Luce, you're not going to training today" Keira tells me as I immediately shake my head. "I'll be fine Kei, the pain comes in waves. I should be fine by then." I convincingly say.

Keira knows she can't argue with me on this. I never miss training, it doesn't matter what's wrong with me.

Sure enough, by the time training comes round the pain is gone. So Keira and I made our way downstairs to meet up with the rest of the team on the pitch. I was glad that nobody asked me about earlier.

Keira and I passed the ball to each other and then made our way over to where Sarina shouted us over. She announced we would be playing 5 a sides, to improve our connections with each other on the pitch.

I was in a team with no goalkeeper, I'd like to think that was since we had the strongest defenders, or maybe I'm just biased. I was paired with Leah in defence, Georgia and Tooney in midfield and Alessia as a striker.

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