The first meeting and how they got together

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Lucy's POV

I have been at Man City for a year now. I signed last season in 2014 and I just love this club. I had an absolute blast last year with my friends and I can't wait to get the 2015 season started.

I heard that our manager has made new signings this season so I am excited to meet them. As I walked through the door to our changing room I seen familiar faces such as Jill Scott, Jen Beattie and Demi Stokes. However, I noticed some new ones too.

Once all the players arrived our manager Nick Crushing introduced us to two of the new players. He introduced one as Georgia Stanway who was 16 years old. I was shocked that must of meant she was good.

The other player he introduced as 18 year old Keira Walsh really caught my eye. The way her hair turned from ginger to golden in the sun. The way she was clearly nervous of being in the room.

We all went up to introduce ourselves, I was the last in line. "Hi I'm Lucy" I said as I pulled Georgia in to a hug and then Keira. They both looked at eachother and said "we know. We really look up to you". I felt flattered that young players look up to me, maybe I am doing something right.

A Year goes by Nobodys POV

Lucy and Keira were now best friends and did everything together. Lucy was 25 and Keira was 19, the two were inseparable. They had a routine of Lucy's house after training on Tuesday, Keira's place on Thursday and then Keira went to Lucy's parents house for their weekly dinner on a Sunday.

Lucy's family loved Keira. Keira was treated as part of the family as a daughter and as a sister to Lucy's brother Jorge and sister Sophie. They were all convinced that one day the two would get together.

Lucy's mum wasn't stupid. She knew her daughter was head over heals for her best friend. Lucy was in love with Keira and everyone knew it. Except Keira herself. Lucy of course would never tell Keira this as she was too afraid to ruin their friendship. But what Lucy didn't know was Keira felt the exact same way.

One Sunday as Lucy picked Keira up to go to her parents, she got up to open Keira's door into her car. It was just a habit for them but what was new was Lucy was she alley slip at how beautiful she thought Keira was. Keira just smiled brightly and said "Thank you Luce, you look amazing as always."

Lucy was blushing madly when she got back into the car and started to drive. Lucy was now feeling brave and reached over and slipped her hand into Keira's expecting her to pull away but she didn't. Instead Keira welcomed Lucy's hand into hers and gave it a squeeze.

They finally let go out of the others hand when they arrived at their destination. They both got out and walked to the door to be greeted by Lucy's parents. As usual Lucy's parents both went to hug Keira first as Lucy just stood to the side shaking her head and said "I am so convinced you like her more." Lucy's mum just laughed when she hugged her daughter and whispered into Lucy's ear "maybe I will greet you first if you pluck up the courage to ask her out."

As Keira was sat talking to Lucy's siblings and their partners, Lucy's parents took that as their cue to talk to their daughter. "Lucy we love you, and we want you to be happy so please consider asking Keira on a date. We can see your both obsessed with eachother but just scared. What have you got to lose?" Lucy's mum asked her daughter.

Lucy looked a bit surprised but responded "First of all, there is a lot to lose like my friendship with her. She is my best friend I don't know what I would do if I lost that with her. Second, what do you mean she is obsessed with me?"

Lucy's dad laughed at his daughter's obliviousness and said "Luce, if Keira didn't like you then why the hell would she be here just now? No normal friends go to the others parents house every week for dinner. That is what partners who have been together for years do. That is how you know what you guys have is special."

Lucy just stopped and thought for a moment. Yeah she would lose a lot if Keira rejected her, but she would gain so much more if Keira felt the same way. "Okay. I will do it when I see her next Tuesday." Lucy finally said as her parents let out an excited squeal.

The Next Tuesday

Lucy was nervous. Today was finally the day that Lucy was going to ask Keira to be her girlfriend. Initially Lucy was going to ask Keira on a date but ultimately she decided the amount of time they have spent together that Lucy should just ask her to be hers.

When Keira arrived at Lucy's house she could tell something was off with Lucy. Lucy looked nervous which was quite unlike Lucy as she was normally very comfortable and open with Keira.

After a while of them eating their food in silence Keira finally broke it "Luce, what is wrong? I can tell something is going on with you. Did you get in a fight with your family? Did something change?"

Lucy took a look at Keira and decided now was the time. "Keira I have got to be honest with you. Over the past year that we have spent together I have come to the conclusion within myself that my feelings weren't just friends a while ago. I love you Keira. I always have done. I get that you probably don't feel the same so don't feel pressured."

Keira was shocked but couldn't hide the smile off her face as she said "I love you too Luce. I have done for a while."

Lucy's face then grew into a huge smile as she took Keira's hand into hers and asked "It's probably a bit soon, but will you be my girlfriend?"

Keira just nodded her head and said "Of course I will Luce. You have no idea how long I have waited for you to ask me that."

Lucy then leaned over the table and shared her first kiss with Keira.

What they didn't know was that they never even looked at another person again. Lucy and Keira were each others person and always will be.

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