Lionesses Truth or Dare

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I loved this suggestion! I will try get round to as many as I can.

Nobody's POV

It was a late night during the Euros and the Lionesses decided that for their team bonding that night they would play a game of truth or dare.

Millie Bright started the game and asked Beth truth or dare to which Beth chose truth. "If you could only save one teammate from a fire, who are you choosing?". Everyone could tell Beth didn't want to hurt anyone but eventually answered "as much as I love you all, I am going to have to say Leah as I have known her since we were 15 and she's helped me through so much shit." Everyone could tell Leah was flattered as she stood up and wrapped her arms around Beth and whispering "awww love you mate".

Next Beth asked Rach who she would not want to be trapped on an island with the most to which she answered "either Lucy or Keira I don't think I could stand being with one of them without the other they would just be moaning about how much they miss eachother".Keira blushed hard in response to this as all the other lionesses burst out laughing saying how true it was. Lucy just bantered back saying "At least I have someone to miss" which did stop a few of them from laughing.

It all kept going back and forth until Lucy got asked truth or dare by Georgia Stanway. Lucy was hoping Georgia would not ask her because G could be brutal. Lucy decided to go with dare cause who knows what Georgia would make her dig up out of her darkest secrets. However when she seen the look of happiness on Georgias face when she answered dare she wished as though she could take it all back.

Everyone in the room all seemed happy and knew what Georgia was going to ask Lucy. "Lucy Bronze I dare you to play a round of  who knows the other better with Keira." It's almost like the game was set up just to watch us do this.

The girls were set up ready to go when the first question was asked to Lucy of when is Keira's birthday "8th of April 1997" she correctly answered fast.

"Keira what is Lucy's star sign?" to which Keira answered "Scorpio" which was also correct.

"Lucy what year did Keira join Man City?" "She joined in 2014 but signed her first senior contract in 2015 at 18" which Lucy was also correct.

The questions kept going and going and going. Both of the girls were yet to get one wrong.

That was until Keira was asked "Who did Lucy say means the most to her out of everyone?" To which Keira answered "Her mum." Lucy just turned to Keira and said "you have got this one wrong babe" Keira looked stunned and said "who means more to you than your mum, you love your mum." All the rest of the lionesses were quite invested and everyone was listening now.

Lucy just shrugged her shoulders and said "Yeah, I love my mum and she means a lot to me but I love you more".

After Lucy said this the room was filled with people saying how cute it was. Keira just leant her head on Lucys shoulder and slipped her hand on Lucy's knee and said "I said you for my answer too. Nobody compares".

The two sat like this for the whole night until after a while Lucy noticed Keira had fallen asleep on her shoulder. The rest of the girls watched on as Lucy stroked her hair and just let her sleep. It was almost like it was natural for them.

Leah then spoke up and said "Luce I have known Keira a long time, she used to cringe at people showing any affection to eachother. Your her safe place I hope you know that".

Lucy just smiled and said " While I was at Lyon she often messaged me during the night about how she couldn't sleep because I wasn't with her. I found it a bit surprising at first because when we started dating she used to hate sleeping in the same bed cause she could hardly sleep. The main reason I returned to City was because of her. I wanted her to sleep better and be her usual happy self."

"Bronzey your turning soft in your old days" Mary Earps joked. "Only for her" Lucy laughed back.

I realised it was getting quite late so I announced I was going to bed mainly because of the dead weight on my shoulder. "Are you going to wake her up?" I heard one of the girls ask. "No I am just going to let her sleep" I replied as I was careful not to move Keira's head and scooped up her legs in one hand with my other supporting her back.

"You seem quite used to this Luce" Rachel said sniggering with Millie. I just replied matching the banter with "You should've asked in truth or dare".  I then walked up to mine and Keira's hotel room still carrying my sleeping girlfriend.

I was thankful that Keira hadn't woken up so I placed her on the bed and took off her clothes for her and placing one of my t-shirts over her head. When Keira felt the loss of contact she woke up reaching for me.

I just thought back to what Leah said and just took my girlfriends hand and said "I am just changing babe one second."

I then got into bed noticing as soon as I got in Keira curled into my side and was asleep again in seconds.

One thing truth or dare taught me today was I would do anything for the girl sleeping next to me. Even if that included turning off my scary persona into a soft one as long as I got to call Keira Walsh mine.

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