It's okay to rely on me

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This is a requested part two from 'I need to get to her'.

Lucy's POV

Having Keira be here is admittedly exactly what I needed. She has driven me everywhere, from hospital appointments to rehab sessions at Barça. I love Keira for doing this for me but I am starting to feel guilty.

I feel like she's not being able to live her life and she's glued down to helping me instead of doing what she wants. She's missing out on training at Man City and I know she's definitely going to Barca at some point soon but it's not the way she would have wanted to end her career with her childhood club.

That is my fault. Keira would never admit it, but she doesn't have too because I know. The deal with Barça is almost finalised and Keira would want to be with Man City preparing herself for some difficult goodbyes. Instead she is looking after her injured girlfriend.

That's why I'm currently refusing any help. "Lucy what do you want for breakfast?" Keira asked me as she stood up from our bed.

"I got it Keira, you've done enough." I tell my girlfriend as she looks at me confused. "Luce you can barely walk. Never mind cook." Keira reminds me.

She does have a point but I know I can do it without her. She deserves better than this. "You can go home Keira, I don't mind. You will be joining me in Barça soon, you need to spend your remaining time with the City girls" I explained to her.

Keira then looked at my expression for a few seconds before sitting down and letting out a sigh. "I know what it is now, Lucy. You feel like you're holding me back again. I thought we got past this, I thought you knew I didn't care about missing my time with City. I thought you knew that you are my number one priority." Keira said with a defeated tone and the look on her face said it all.

I looked away from my girlfriends eyes. I did know all of that, but I couldn't help but feel like a burden to her. Injuries feel like they cloud my career and I'm getting fed up of them. I'm fed up of feeling like Keira feels the need to look after me and take time off her club.

Before I even realised it, some tears slipped from my eyes. I tried to discreetly wipe them away, but I knew from the look on Keira's face that she saw.

Keira immediately moved closer to me and took one of my hands in hers. "It's okay to rely on me. I'm your partner Lucy, I'm here for you. Through sickness and health."

"We haven't exactly agreed to those terms. Yet." I half joked with Keira as I brought a smile to both of our faces. Obviously I intended on marrying the midfielder, soon aswell. I knew she was the love of my life but when things like this happens I fear that Keira feels trapped.

It doesn't help that I want to start doing thing again, even basic stuff like walking Narla. Keira is always quick to shut me down on those ideas. She won't even let me walk to the kitchen without assistance.

Keira's POV

I know what Lucy is doing. She is trying to push me away like she always does when she starts to show her vulnerabilities. I wish she knew how much I loved her and always will no matter how many times she gets injured.

"I love you Lucy, even if I have to walk you around for weeks. I don't care if I miss my last week with City, I was getting treated badly anyway. Plus G is leaving when I do aswell."I tell my girlfriend as I squeeze her arm.

"I love you too Kei, sorry if I am being annoying I am just fed up of not being able to do basic things. I can't even walk Narla!" Lucy sighs as she falls back onto our bed frame in show of defeat.

"I know Lucy and that's why I am here to help. Besides, Narla is my dog too and when I get to spend time with her it means the world to me. So don't feel like this is a burden to me because it's not. In fact spending time with my favourite girls is exactly what I needed. We don't know how long the Barça deal will take or if it will even happen." I remind Lucy.

"It will happen I can feel it." Lucy confidently says. Honestly, I am not so sure. The deal has been taken a while and City have rejected the bid twice already. It will take a lot for City to let me go. As much as I love the club and the girls, the coach has made me doubt my love for football. I just want out to Barça as soon as possible.

I was about to reply to me girlfriend when I heard Lucy's stomach rumble. "Will you let me make breakfast now?" I ask my girlfriend. When I receive a nod from Lucy I immediately walk through to the kitchen and make Lucy's favourite, pancakes with bacon.

Time skip

Today I'm heading back to Man City. I received a phone call from my manager demanding me back. Luckily, Lucy was able to move more freely now and Mapi will help her when she needs it and drive Lucy about.

Lucy and I have a heartfelt goodbye as always. It always hurts when we say goodbye, long distance was tough and it never gets easier. I was just hoping that I could get this deal sorted and we wouldn't be apart ever again.

When I walked through the doors at Man City I was instantly greeted by all the girls. "Hey Kei, how's Lucy doing?" I heard Lauren Hemp ask me. I wasn't surprised Lauren was the first to ask, Lucy had taken her under her wing whilst at City.

"She's better. She still struggles to do certain things and we've had to ask Mapi Leon to walk Narla since Lucy can't." I replied.

I was met with knowing nods from my teammates before I heard my name being shouted. I turned around and was met with Gareth signalling me into his office. This should be interesting.

"Well Keira, it seems you're joining us again only to be leaving. We've just agreed a world record deal with Barça. This is your last day in a City shirt. Best of luck Walsh." Gareth said before he signalled for me to leave again.

That's it? 8 years at my childhood club, over 200 caps and that's all I get? It doesn't even matter now, Gareth has showed just how much he cares. Not a lot.

I left and headed straight onto the pitch where I would be doing my last training session with this team. It was emotional for sure, City was my first love and my whole childhood but its time for new adventures with Lucy and Barcelona.

After training I gathered all the girls together. "I have loved playing with you all but I'm sad to announce today was my last day in a City shirt. I have been signed by Barça."

I was brought into a big group hug with all my teammates before they helped me pack up my locker. I made sure to say goodbye and thank each player and member of staff before I left the training ground for the last time.

I knew that I was leaving so I had already packed up my house with the help of my parents weeks ago. I knew I couldn't stay at City.

Barça has a flight prepared for me tomorrow and I couldn't wait for the new adventure. I didn't even tell Lucy, I wanted to surprise her.

That all went to plan, when I was picked up by a member of the Barça staff the next day after my flight from Manchester. I told them to bring me to my girlfriends place.

I brought all my bags and watched as my new assistant manager drove off. I took out my key and let myself into Lucy's place.

A couple seconds go by and then I see Lucy attempting to walk towards me. "Keira? I thought you were Mapi." Lucy said clearly surprised.

I then watched as she noticed my very many bags around me. "No. You've been signed?" Lucy asked as the realisation kicked in.

"I start tomorrow." I confirmed as Lucy walked over and wrapped her arms around me. It's only when we pulled away I realised Lucy was crying. She never cries.

"What's wrong babe?"I asked in concern. "It's happy tears, I promise. I'm so glad you're here." Lucy replied. I just wiped away Lucy's tears and kissed her cheek. "Me too Luce."

I then hear little paws come running through and I'm met with my little westie who came jumping on me in excitement. I picked Narla up as she began to lick my face. "I belong here with my girls."

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