Keira gets injured

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Nobody's POV

England lionesses we're playing Canada in front of a sold out Wembley Crowd. They were playing in a two legged friendly one at home and away.

As Lucy and Keira walk out in front of the crowd one after the other as always they couldn't help but feel like they made it. A sold out Wembley playing the sport they loved nothing could ever beat it.

They sang their national anthems as always filed with pride inside. They both searched for their families in the crowd where they sat next to eachother supporting the couple and their team.

Eventually kickoff came and England were dominating the possession. The break through goal came when Keira split her pass through the defence seeing Lucy had a made a run who scored on her right foot slotting it past the keeper.

Who would have thought Keira would assist her girlfriend in Wembley. This is what dreams were made of. The couple celebrated like Lucy's world cup goal, Keira jumping into Lucy's arms when she seen her girlfriend run towards her.

England continued to dominate possession with Keira keeping the team ticking with her passes. Just when Keira picked her head up to see Lucy making another run which Keira was about to find, all Keira felt was pain through her right knee.

Jessie Fleming seen Keira was about to make another of her signature passes and decided to do make a challenge. Which was very badly timed and made Keira land on her knee very badly, leaving Keira screaming in pain.

Lucy's POV

I was making another run in behind knowing Keira would find me when I seen a Canadian player making a high challenge on my girlfriend. I was fuming.

I ran straight over to Fleming who made the bad challenge and shoved her away. "Who the fuck do you think you are? That is the worst fucking challenge I have ever seen." I screamed in her face as I felt Georgia come pull me away as the ref showed Fleming a red card. Good.

By this point I was so angry I forgot to go check on my girlfriend. "Luce I'm sorry to say this but I think Keira's hurt" Georgia told me. I looked at her with a worried expression before I ran over to where my girlfriend was lying on the ground with medics all around her.

"Keira are you okay?" I asked her as I took her hand. I got my answer when she turned her head and I seen the look on her face. All I could see in her eyes was pain. I have never seen her look like this before, Keira was crying. Keira never cries when she is injured so I know it must be bad.

I just sat beside her as the medics worked on her deciding she had to go to hospital. I was shaken. I couldn't even go with my girlfriend. When Keira was stretchered off I walked off with her still holding her hand. Wembley all stood up and clapped for Keira as she was taken off the pitch.

As I had to let go of her hand I just said "I will be with you as soon as I can babe I promise". She just looked at me and nodded unable to talk. I noticed our families waving me over so I quickly ran over when the announcers announced the change " Substitution for England number 18 Jordan Nobbs comes on to replace number 4 Keira Walsh." I realised I had time so I shouted up to our families "It's bad guys. I'm going to go to the hospital as soon as I can."

That's as much as I could do as I ran back into the pitch to play the remaining five minutes off the half and injury time. Luckily I was still filled with adrenaline I don't think the news of my girlfriend has fully sank in yet.

When the half time whistle came I ran inside with all England players following me. When we got to our changing room everyone asked me how Keira was. I noticed Keira left all of her stuff here including her phone so I had no contact. I did know the hospital she was admitted to cause I asked before she was taken off.

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