When Lucy gets drunk

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Nobody's POV

The lionesses were out on a teams bonding night. They all decided they should go out to a bar so they could let loose for once and have some fun.

Georgia, Leah, Keira and Lucy were all sat at a table in discussion of their new lives. Recently Georgia moved to Munich, Lucy and Keira were in Barcelona and Leah was in London still. This meant that none of them had seen eachother in a while.

Instead of them staying sitting down the whole night Georgia thought it was a good idea to join the rest of the team partying. Leah and Keira weren't big drinkers so they made it clear they would rather stay sat. However, Lucy wanted to spend time with G so she agreed. She promised Keira she would be back soon so they could go home.

When Georgia and Lucy joined the rest of the team there was cheers heard all around the club. Shots were being passed their way clearly trying to get the senior of the team drunk. Lucy tried to resist saying she had Keira to go back to but the team wasn't having any of it by calling Lucy old and boring.

If there was one thing Lucy hated being called it was old. Lucy is 31 years old with a lot of the team being in their twenties. So to stop the oldies comments Lucy took the shots. All of them.

Lucy didn't stop there either. Georgia convinced her to try all sorts of drinks and Lucy just drank all of them. All of the lionesses were loving it as Lucy and Georgia started doing karaoke.

Keira's POV

I was sitting chatting to Leah in the bar when I heard karaoke start from the club in the room next to us. It wasn't until half way through the song that I realised it was my girlfriend that was singing.

"Leah. The singing it's Lucy and Georgia" I laughed as I heard my girlfriend slur some notes in sweet caroline. However it wasn't until after I finished laughing that I realised if my Lucy was singing that meant she was drunk. Very drunk.

That got me through to the club. Me and Leah walked into the loud room to find my girlfriend and G on top of a table belting a song with the rest of the girls videoing them.

I strolled over to where Beth, Rach and Millie were and asked what they gave her. I wasn't stupid I know Lucy wouldn't drink a lot herself so that meant they were handing it to her.

"Erm I'm not sure honestly Keira. She has had alot that's all I know, you should probably ask some of the younger ones." Millie replied to me.

I just looked at my girlfriend. Honestly I hadn't seen her look like she was having this much fun in a while. So I decided to leave her and take a seat in the back of the club with Leah at least now I can see what Lucy is up to.

Nobody's POV

It's been about 20 minutes and Lucy is talking to Beth Mead in the corner when a random girl went up to Lucy and started checking her out.

Lucy being drunk was quite oblivious and just continued her conversation with Beth while the girl was throwing herself on Lucy.

The girl then spoke up and said "Hey gorgeous, want to take me home?".

This caught all of the lionesses attention around them except Leah and Keira's who was still at the back deep in conversation.

Lucy looked a bit stunned, unsure what to do. "Erm I have a girlfriend" she stuttered looking around trying to see if Keira was in the room.

That didn't matter to the girl as she still had her arm on Lucy's waist who was clearly still very drunk. "She's not here though so I think you will find you want to. I am sure your friends here won't tell her." The girl said looking at Lucy right in the eyes who was trying to avoid eye contact.

Lucy just blinked a bit almost in disbelief as she replied " I don't want to. Like I said I have a girlfriend. I am not interested". This was still not enough as the girl would not release her hold on Lucy.

Lucy was not stable on her feet so she could not wriggle out of the girls hold. The lionesses seen Lucy was clearly uncomfortable so Georgia ran over to get Keira thinking she was the right one to help Lucy in this situation.

Keira's POV

There was a big commotion going on in the corner of the club. I just presumed they were taking shots so I didn't think a lot of it. That was until Georgia came running up to mine and Leah's table.

"Keira you need to come now. Lucy's getting hit on by some random chick and she's not letting her go. Lucy looks really uncomfortable." Georgia said in a hurry.

Leah turned to me as I stood up out of my seat and rushed over to where the crowd was as Leah and Georgia followed me. I was fuming. Nobody touches my girlfriend.

As the lionesses saw me make my way through the crowd they made an opening for me as I went straight over to where the girl had a grip on my Lucy.

The girl turned to me as I marched over and went "What do you want?". Lucy followed to who the girl was talking to and when she seen it was me she let out a sigh of relief.

I went up to the girl and shoved her off Lucy and shouted "keep your fucking hands off my girlfriend."

The girl looked taken back and tried to defend herself saying Lucy went to her first. I couldn't help but laugh. "See hun, I have been with my girl for six years. I can read her facial expressions like a book and all I could see when I walked over here was how uncomfortable and disgusted she looked. She is also clearly drunk off her face and your clearly not so you were trying to take advantage of her. Next time hun don't pick a fight with me and certainly don't try go for my partner you whore." I said right in her face as I watched her walk away. Bitch.

As I turned around all the lionesses looked stunned. Probably because I am not a confrontational person, however if someone comes for someone I care about especially my girlfriend well god help them.

I just ignored their looks and walked over to where my girlfriend looked upset. I just took her hand and asked "what's wrong Luce? Do you feel sick?".

She just looked at me and shook her head and spoke "No but I don't want you to think I cheated on you cause I didn't Keira. I promise." Lucy almost looked ashamed.

"Lucy I know you didn't babe. I trust you and that girl is just a right twat. I am not mad at you. You're also drunk, so come on let's get you home" I told her as I kept hold of her hand and used my other to support her back making sure she doesn't fall.

Lucy and I said bye to the rest of the team. I won't lie I am annoyed with a few of them for watching Lucy be so uncomfortable and doing nothing about it but I won't hold grudges all that matters is she is safe now.

Once Lucy and I got home I took her through to our bedroom and helped her take off her clothes and tucked her into bed. I then did the same.

About half way through the night I felt the bed shift and I realised what was happening. Lucy was being sick. I jumped up behind her and went into our en-suite to find her hunched over the toilet emptying her stomach contents.

I ran to her and got on my knees to hold her hair back. I rubbed her back as she continued to be sick. I know how much Lucy hates sick as do I but I am not leaving her in this state.

Once she was done I flushed the toilet and took a look at my partners face. She looked pale and defeated and that's not like Lucy. She leant against the bath and put her head in her hands.

I sat beside her and let her melt into my embrace. She started to sob into my shoulder as I just held her, unsure what was best to say.

"What's wrong babe?" I finally plucked up the courage to say. Lucy lifted her head to look at me. She looked exhausted. Lucy quietly said " I just feel like I let you down. Even though she came onto me I just feel guilty. I could've done more to get her off me-" I just stopped my girlfriend mid sentence by hushing her.

"Lucy stop. You done nothing wrong, stop feeling guilty babe. All that matters to me just now is for you to feel better so come on let's go back to bed it's 3 am." I said as I stood up to take her hands and brush her teeth before we went to bed where we slept for the rest of the night in each others arms.

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