I miss you, I'm sorry

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Since Lucy and Keira moved to Barça it just wasn't the same between them. They weren't sure what to do, of course the women still loved each other but what was love if they weren't fully happy?

Overtime the couple noticed they began to start arguing over little things more and more. It was all petty really, who would go to the shop or who was going to walk Narla. One day Lucy had enough and expressed how she was feeling since Keira was never home with her much anymore.

Keira was always either in Bayern with Georgia and her teammates or London with Leah. Whenever Barcelona got time off, Keira never chose to spend that time with Lucy. This hurt the defender and when she finally called her girlfriend up on it, Keira snapped.

The two girls slept in different rooms that night, travelled in different cars the next morning and ignored eachother in training. Nobody really picked up on it since the couple was private anyway.

Lucy had plans that night after training with Mapi and when she drove home, Keira's car wasn't in the driveway. Lucy felt her heart drop as she walked into the house and noticed all of Keira's things gone. Not one T-shirt or pair of football boots were left.

Lucy immediately dropped to the floor, her knees giving up on her in denial.

Lucy's POV

Keira was my everything. I would give up my life for that girl, I thought we would work it out. We always work it out.

Just as I was about to pull my phone out to call her, I noticed a note on Keira's bedside table.


As you can tell, I've left.

You're right. I haven't been as present as I normally am, I've been finding excuses to visit Leah and Georgia rather than being with you and Narla.

Honestly Lucy, I don't know why. You girls are my everything and I don't know why I have been distant recently, which is why I've left.

You deserve better Lucy. You deserve someone who will be there for you 100 percent and not leave you questioning if their going to be home that night or not.

If I love you as much as I know I do and likewise, I hope we will find our way back together. If we are meant to be we will be.

Until then, please don't hate me. I'm so sorry Lucy. Please be happy, you deserve to be.

Keira x

I could feel my heart rip through my chest. How could she do this to me? I thought we were stronger than this. I thought she loved me.

I started sobbing, like I've never experienced before in my life. I don't deserve anyone better. I want Keira and only Keira.

I pulled myself onto my bed which only smelt like my ex. I left Lyon, just to go back to Keira. I then went to Barcelona and Keira followed.

Now I have to go through the worst breakup of my life whilst seeing my ex everyday. Deep down, I know that as much as I want too, I can't bring myself to hate Keira. I never will be able too.

Just then I heard my phone start to ring. I picked it up and seen the ID of Georgia Stanway on my phone. I had no idea why she's calling me, as much as I love Georgia I know Keira is her friend first. Keira better not of said it was me who broke up with her. Or Georgia better not blame me.

I brought myself to answer the call, knowing it's unlike G to phone me. "Hello" I answer, my voice breaking. I'm just mentally preparing myself for a lecture from Keira's best mate.

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