You're the only one I want

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Lucy's POV

Today Keira meets my parents. I am not even nervous for it because I know they will welcome her with open arms like they have to every person I have ever brought home. I hope my parents realise that Keira is different from any girl I have ever brought home. I love her and I hope they do too.

However, I noticed the closer we got to my childhood home, Keira was becoming extremely nervous to meet them. I noticed her leg was shaking as I drove up to Berwick in the North-East.

I reassured her the best I could and placed my hand on her knee to stop her shaking. "They will love you Keira. You honestly have nothing to worry about."

Keira flashed me a grateful smile as I pulled into my parents drive. I couldn't contain my excitement as I hadn't seen my parents in months because of my busy schedule.

Keira and I grabbed our bags since we were staying for a few days. I was about to open the door when it was swung open and I was engulfed in a huge hug by my mum and dad.

I returned the hug, exclaiming how much I missed them. I then remembered my quite shy girlfriend was behind me as I pulled her into the house.

"Mum, dad this is Keira my girlfriend." I introduced as I gave Keira's waist a wee squeeze as I noticed how uncomfortable she was.

"Hi, it's so good to meet you guys. I have heard a lot from Lucy." Keira said politely. I flashed a smile at Keira, showing that she was okay.

However, all that Keira got in reply from my parents was a strange glance shared between them, almost completely ignoring what Keira said. Before I had the chance to say anything my parents walked through into the living room where I followed, taking Keira's hand.

The conversation was turned back to me in a flash. "How's life been Lucy? We haven't seen you in ages" My mum asked in a slight harsh tone as we sat down. "Well I have been in France mum. It's not like Lyon is close to here." I said as I shut down my mum. It sounds like she is making accusations?

"We know that Lucy. But I also know you are in Manchester anytime you can. You spend all your days off there, you haven't seen us in months but you somehow can go to Manchester pretty much every 2-3 weeks." My dad now said as I was now getting a bit annoyed. I could feel Keira shift uncomfortably next to me at the current conversation.

"Yeah because I go see my girlfriend, I am pretty sure that is not illegal. I also have my dog that I miss, I thought you both understood this?" I said as I crossed my arms, clearly frustrated now.

"So is visiting your girlfriend more important than visiting your parents?" My dad asked as I threw my hands up in frustration.

"I visit her because I miss her. Why can't you guys understand that?" I asked as I tried to calm down. Although I felt the anger raise immensely when I turned to my side and seen the look on Keira's face. She looked like she wanted to run out the door and cry. It broke my heart.

It didn't stop my dad though. "So you don't miss us? What makes her that special Lucia that makes you choose her over us?" He asked as my mum nodded her head agreeing with him. My blood was boiling and I was getting angrier by the second.

"Of course I missed you guys but it works both ways. You are both retired, you have plenty of spare time unlike me. I would've easily have paid for you to fly out to Lyon." I said, avoiding the question about my girlfriend.

"Stop avoiding the question Lucy" My mum shook her head at me in disapproval.

"I don't need to explain to you both what I love about my girlfriend. I love her for her, not anything in particular. I'm sorry to say but when I am in Lyon I want to go home to her." I said as I looked at Keira who was currently looking at her lap, avoiding eye contact with everyone.

I seen my parents share a shake of their heads, obviously disappointed with what I just said. They were really starting to annoy me now.

"You know what guys, I don't need this. Keira doesn't need this. I love you both and I was so excited to see you. I wanted to spend a few days with my parents to just relax but it is obvious you don't want the same." I said as I felt Keira lightly squeeze my hand as she realised I was upset.

"We do want you to come Lucy." My dad tried to start again but I cut him off straight away. I have had enough.

"Don't bother. I won't let anyone ever disrespect my partner the way you both have done tonight. Keira was already nervous enough at the thought of making a good impression for the both of you. I am so pissed off that I told her she had nothing to worry about. I thought you would welcome her with open arms. It pains me at how wrong I was." I said as I stood up, turned around and offered my hand to Keira.

I helped Keira to her feet before I turned around to face my parents again. "We're leaving. Don't expect another visit from me." I said as I stormed out, grabbed our stuff and pulled my girlfriend with me.

As soon as Keira and I were in the car I sped off. I did not want to be here for another minute. I knew that both me and Keira were tired so I drove for half an hour to where I knew there was a hotel for us to stay at.

Keira and I hadn't spoken a word to each-other, honestly I didn't know what to say to her. I promised her that she would be 100% comfortable with my family and they completely let me down. I couldn't help but feel so disappointed in my family and I didn't want to see any of them ever again.

As soon as I pulled into the hotel I jumped out the car and opened Keira's door for her. It was the least I could do after today. I then carried in our bags and collected the room key that I had booked on our way here.

When Keira and I were in our hotel room, we both sat on the bed, unsure what to do with eachother. I have never had this in my relationship with Keira. Just another reason to be mad at my family.

"I am so sorry Lucy." Keira broke the silence as a tear fell from her cheek.

I was shocked. Why was Keira apologising? "Keira you have absolutely nothing to be sorry for. My parents were being completely rude, they had no reason to ever treat you like that." I said as I grabbed her hand.

"I ruined your trip Lucy. You were so excited to see them and it was awful all because I was there. They were mad because you saw me in your free time instead of them. All of it was my fault." Keira sobbed as I felt helpless.

"It was not your fault babe. All of it was my decision, I am an adult Kei. I can choose to see who I want and they can't do anything about that." I reassured Keira as I stroked my thumb along her hand.

"You said they were fine with every person you have ever brought home. I am useless." Keira said as I realised just how much this has affected my girlfriend.

"Keira, stop. You're  the only one I want, I don't care what they think. You're the only one who I have ever properly loved. If they can't see that then they are blind. If they don't want to know you, then they are the one missing out not you. You are the most amazing person I know." I told my girlfriend as I kissed her.

"Thank you Luce. I love you." Keira said as I laid down and pulled Keira into my embrace.

AN - I will do a part two of this soon, so it can end on a nicer note! I will probably write that in Keira's perspective since this is all Lucy's.

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