When Keira Pushes herself too hard

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Authors Note

I think it goes without saying it hurts that England have lost today. However, I hate that people are blaming players. Yes, Leah had a bad game but no England player was exceptional today. Win as a team lose as a team. We will come back stronger.

Anyway rant over

Nobody's POV 

All the girls were back on lionesses camp. Sarina has mentioned that all starting eleven spots were up for grabs so everyone was pushing themselves to their limit. Keira especially, Lucy watched on as her girlfriend ran chasing the ball like her life depended on it. 

She even noticed any little mistake Keira made she would curse at herself. This was so unlike Keira, she was normally good at leaving all her mistakes in the past. I think everyone was starting to pick up something was off with Keira today.

Lucy discreetly pulled Keira to the side as they were walking towards where they were about to do sprints. "Keira, what's going on with you today?" she asked her girlfriend in concern for her. "Nothing Lucy I am just trying to keep my spot. Especially since I didn't play my best last game" Keira replied harshly talking about herself again.

Lucy was shocked. What does she mean not playing her best? "Keira you played amazing last game. You won player of the match for a reason babe" Lucy said whilst poking at her partners arm.

Before Keira had a chance to reply they were called over to start their drills. When asked to get into partners, often Lucy and Keira would go with their friends rather than each other. However today Lucy thought it was necessary to keep an eye on Keira so she purposely stood next to Keira to indicate she was her partner.

They passed between them doing two touches, Keira being more focused on her passes than usual making sure all of them are successful. The one time she messed up Lucy noticed she got really stressed and started scratching furiously at her wrist. At this point Lucy was getting worried. Again she had no chance to do anything as the whistle blew indicating all 26 camp members had to run for half an hour straight.

Lucy decided she was going to run at Keira's pace the whole way. She was not letting her girlfriend out of sight. When all the girls took off Keira instantly started sprinting to get ahead. Everyone was shocked, they had never seen her like this before. Some of them were asking Lucy what was wrong with her but the problem was she didn't know either.

Lucy called back to the rest of the lionesses that she was going to sprint to catch up with her. Everyone knew she was silently asking for a minute alone with her. They all knew it was needed.

Once Lucy had finally caught up with Keira who was now looking a bit pale she just calmly brought her left hand up and used it to tuck the pieces of Keira's hair that had fallen out behind her ear. Lucy decided to use her next words carefully. "Keira I am asking this because I love you and I care about you. Have you eaten today my love? I have noticed you weren't at breakfast this morning."

Keira took a big breath and said "To be the best sometimes we have to make sacrifices." Lucy was stunned. Lucy was meant to be looking out for her girlfriend and she never even noticed how bad Keira was.

"Keira. You are the most beautiful, talented person I know. By not eating you will make yourself sick, I don't want to see you sick. Your perfect just the way you are and I would not change you for the world. Lucy truthfully told her girlfriend.

Luckily Keira was starting to slow down her pace a bit and Lucy looked over at girlfriend. She noticed the glimpse of tears strolling down her face. All Lucy could think about was just taking her into her arms and tell her everything was going to be fine. She knew she couldn't, Sarina has one rule and that was to be respectful in training.

So Lucy just opted into squeezing Keira's arm and telling her she loved her. When Lucy and Keira were running in silence after a while, Lucy turned to meet her girlfriends face to silently check in on her.

She did not like what she seen. Keira was white. She looked so sick. Keira finally admitted defeat when she stopped running, looked at Lucy and said "I feel really dizzy." Before Lucy could even reply Keira started to sway and Lucy was shouting the medics over as she grabbed hold of her girlfriends arms. About two seconds later Keira's body gave up on her and she fainted, luckily into Lucy's arms who brought her onto the floor placing Keira's head in her lap.

Now all the worried players were surrounding them as well as the medical team. Lucy laced her fingers through Keira's and just sat panicking. Lucy blamed herself, she should have seen Keira acting differently. All the girls noticed the look on Lucy's face who was on the verge of tears. They just all patted Lucy's shoulders telling them they were here for them.

When Keira opened her eyes she was met with her favourite eyes staring back at her filled with worry. Lucy noticed she was awake and just said "I am here."

The medical team began to check her out before Keira turned in Lucy's lap gagging to be sick. All the players looked really concerned. Lucy swiftly grabbed hold of her girlfriends loose hair and started rubbing her back. Due to Keira not eating she couldn't actually throw anything up. It almost made it worse for her.

Everyone was worried for the young midfielder she has almost turned green. The medics turned to eachother and decided that due to Keira's current state she couldn't walk as her legs were shaky and was still trying to be sick. They were about to get the stretcher when Lucy stopped them and said "I got her."

Everyone watched as Lucy picked Keira up by her thighs and had her legs wrapped around her hip. At this point Lucy didn't care if she got sick all over her. All she wanted was for Keira to be okay.

Sarina decided just to end training early. Everyone was clearly more worried about Keira who was currently in and out of consciousness on Lucy's shoulder.

All the lionesses followed as Lucy moved as quick as she could to the trainers room with Georgia running ahead of her opening all the doors for them. They finally made it and when Lucy was about to put Keira down.Keira stopped her and said "Stay with me". Lucy looked surprised that she thought Keira thought she was going to leave her. "I am not going anywhere darling. I am staying right here with you" Lucy replied as she took Keira's hand and sat in the chair next to the bed Keira was on.

Keira got assessed and the diagnosis was Keira was severely dehydrated, desperately needed to eat and was overworked. Keira was so weak but she felt she needed to apologise. She had tears rolling down her face as she turned to her girlfriend and team and just said "I'm sorry."

Lucy's heart broke. Her girlfriend felt the need to apologise for going through a dark time. "Keira don't apologise. I'm sorry for not realising you were struggling sooner. I love you so much, you don't have to hide from me. Any time you are struggling all I ask is that you come to me. I want to help you, your my partner Kei. I would never turn you away if you came to me for help." Lucy's voice broke as tears were starting to brew in her eyes, her girlfriend looking so weak was shattering her inside.

Lucy felt a squeeze on her shoulder and she turned to Leah and all the girls smiling at her.

Once Keira was allowed to go from the nurse she reluctantly agreed to allow Lucy to carry her to their hotel room. But not before Lucy brought Keira to the restaurant in the hotel and watched as she made sure she finished her play full of protein filled foods.

After that, Lucy laid Keira on their bed, she felt Keira hold onto her wrist and pull her towards her silently asking her to lie down with her.

"Thank you Luce for being so understanding. I promise I will come to you from now on. I just was struggling." Keira fessed up.

"I know Kei. I get it, Come to me any time you need me Keira." Lucy told her.

"I love you" Keira said as she placed her head on Lucy's shoulder.

"I love you too Kei" Lucy replied as she felt her girlfriend drift off to sleep.

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