You're the only one I want - part two

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Keira's POV

Today has been difficult, to say the least. I was terrified to meet Lucy's parents and rightly so. I don't think I have ever felt less welcomed by anyone in my life. As much as I wanted them to like me, seeing my girlfriend get upset, hurt me so much more than the comments thrown at me by her parents.

I felt like it was all my fault. Lucy was so mad at her parents that she is saying she never wants to speak to either of them again. I felt like I ruined their family and there was nothing I could do about it.

Lucy and I were supposed to stay at her parents for three days before Lucy went back to Lyon. We stayed at a hotel for 2 nights before we traveled back home. So now we were back in Manchester with Narla. Lucy has tried telling me so many times that she is not that upset about what happened with her parents but I know her well enough to know she is lying.

"Please Lucy, I know you will regret it if you don't speak to them before you go." I try convince her to see her parents. I just know if she doesn't speak to them it will eat her alive. I guess you could say Lucy has a very big pride. She will never be the first to reach out to her parents.

"No Keira. Do you not remember how awful they were, or how bad they made you feel about yourself. I don't want to associate myself with people who treat my me and my partner like that." Lucy said as she got herself ready.

Today was the day Lucy left to go back to Lyon. I at least wanted to know that she phoned her parents before she left because I know she won't when she is in Lyon. Deep down I knew that Lucy wouldn't talk to them for a while. She is way to protective of me for that.

As upset I am about what happened with Diane and Joaquim I let it go. My girlfriend means to much to me for me to hate her parents. So I am over it, I just want for Lucy's sake for them all to talk it out. Even if that means I never have a good relationship with Lucy's family, I just need Lucy to still have her family no matter what.

It is always difficult when I have to drop Lucy off at the airport. Today was harder than usual, the time we have had together has not been what we expected it to. I am still grateful for the time we had together, it doesn't matter how we spent it.

"I will see you soon Keira. I have a weekend off in 2 weeks, so I will fly to Manchester to see you then." Lucy said as we embraced each-other for the last time for a few weeks.

"Okay Luce, Call me when you land, yeah? I asked as I felt her nod against my shoulder. "Of course Kei, I love you. Thank you for everything you have done this week." Lucy said as she kissed me.

"I love you too Luce, you know I will do anything for you." I said as Lucy nodded her head and replied she would for me too.

I watched on as Lucy walked towards her flight and waved to me. Long distance is very hard, especially when it's the love of your life. It just feels like the world is against you and you feel jealous of those who can see each-other everyday.

As I drove home I thought about how excited Lucy was to see her parents before it all happened. I know for a fact Lucy is a big mum girl, she will forever say her career happened thanks to her parents and their sacrifices.

That's why I have made my mind up. I'm going to see Lucy's parents myself. They can kick me out, scream at me or do whatever they want but I will live in peace knowing that I tried. I need to atleast try for Lucy's sake.

It was a long drive and I had a feeling that it would probably be for nothing. But I would do anything for my girlfriend, she is my entire world and her parents need to know that.

I was nearly in Berwick when my music was interrupted from a phone call from Lucy. I answered it straight away. "Hi babe, how was your flight?" I asked Lucy.

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