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I promise I am getting through suggestions. This wasn't a suggestion but I just came up with this idea and I really wanted to write it x

Lucy's POV

I just injured my knee mid season for Lyon. I went down during a match as I slid in to defend but I felt my knee go as a result. The constant pain in my right leg that I have grown to expect every season returned.

My knee has never been right since I injured it when I was young and I had to get surgery. This was different and I just knew I had a fair amount of time on the sidelines ahead of me.

As I was sat in the Lyon medical room as the examined me I felt like crying. I just felt like absolutely nothing was going right.

At full time my teammates came to check on me. "How are you feeling Luce?" I heard Wendie Renard my captain, ask me.

"Like I have had a bad day." I replied trying to make a joke out of a bad situation.

"What do you do when you have a bad day?" Wendie asked, clearly trying to come up with any way to make me feel better.

"Go home." I replied getting straight to the point. I seen a couple of my teammates look confused at what I meant.

"To England?" Alex Greenwood asked me. I just shrugged my shoulders in response as I wasn't entirely sure what I meant myself.

"To Keira." I said as I looked down. I wished more than anything that I could go to Keira. She was my home, the one place that I felt most relaxed and I could feel like myself again.

Alex came over and sat next to me on the bed. "How long are you out for?" she asked as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

"A couple months." I said trying not to show my disappointment at missing a lot of the season that I had worked so hard for.

"Well then, I will go speak to the coaches because I'm not stupid Lucy. You need to go home to Keira, I think you and I both know you will spin out otherwise." Alex said as she stood up and left the room without me even being able to give her a response.

I just looked at my other teammates who all just gave me a reassuring nod as if to say they agreed with Alex. I agreed with her too, I need to go home.

I watched as Alex walked in a couple minutes later "Right so I have booked you a flight for tonight. Keira knows your on your way. She's excited to see you."

I stood up and limped over to my fellow English teammate and gave her a hug. "Thank you Al" I said as I squeezed her. Alex was my closest friend in Lyon, I loved having her here and because we both play for England we have grown to be very close and we have grown to be able to rely on each other all the time. 

Alex drove me to the airport later that night and I thanked my friend for the last time before getting on the plane. I was currently walking around on crutches with big strapping on my knee so I was struggling to say the least but I got to my seat eventually.

Alex revealed to me as she dropped me off that Keira paid for my ticket and I learnt when I got on the plane it was first class. Keira absolutely spoils me. I have to say though I was very thankful because I could lie with my knee stretched out.

As I landed in Manchester, I hobbled into the airport with my crutches and bag on my back. I only had my hand luggage with me because I kept loads of stuff at Keira's anyways.

I was scanning the airport crowd for my girlfriend when I eventually found her. I could tell she was looking for me too as I watched her scan the crowds. Once we locked eyes she immediately walked over to me.

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