I need to get to her

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Lucy's POV

I love playing in Barcelona, there is no doubt about it. The only thing that I don't like about it is the amount of games we play as it is a higher risk to injury and I am away from my girlfriend Keira.

Keira is desperately trying to get signed by Barcelona, but Manchester City won't release her. It's taken a bit of a hard hit at our relationship as long distance is hard for everyone. I wished we would both be able to play in Barça together.

Today I play what will be my second game of the week already. It is against Real Madrid in the league, after we played in the champions league mid week where I played the full 90 minutes. I had noticed for some reason, I had been a bit more tired than I usually am for a game.

I had no idea why, I actually spoke to Keira about it and we just came to the conclusion that it was probably because I was about to have my period or something. It was revealed I would be starting this game again, which meant I had to accept my exhaustion already and just get on with this game.

Kick off came and Real Madrid were starting off very fast and attacking quickly. They were dominating their attacks based on my side, with all their best players making over lapping runs around me.

It was really hard to deal with, but I was defending pretty well and stopping their attacks. However, as I got the ball and started to make a signature run of mine down the right flank, a Real Madrid player came and made a tackle that left me rolling on the ground in pain.

Instantly I knew something wasn't right, it was studs to my ankle and I knew straight away it was broken. I used my limited Spanish to tell the Barça physios that I had most likely broken my ankle and needed to be taken off.

I was supported off the pitch by my physios and taken straight to the hospital. I then realised that everyone probably was concerned about me. I opened all my messages to find ones from my family group chat and friends from back home and my teammates.

What stood out to me the most was the 20 missed calls from Keira. Without a second thought I called her back.

Keira's POV

I knew Lucy was playing today so as I was eating lunch at Man City training, I watched some of the game with the girls.

Lucy was really tired earlier but I was so proud of her as you would never notice. She was by far the best defender and player on the pitch.

However, about half an hour into the first half I watched on in horror as my girlfriend was on the receiving end of a studs up challenge. A few of my teammates were watching with me as we all gasped as Lucy rolled about on the ground, in obvious pain.

"Fuck sake that's her ankle gone." I said as I slammed the table in frustration. I wanted to go to Madrid and beat the hell out of the player who done that to my girlfriend.

I watched on with a smirk on my face as Mapi Leon done it for me. My smirk quickly disappeared as Lucy couldn't even put weight on her ankle as she was substituted off the pitch.

I immediately turned off the match and picked up my phone. I dialled Lucy's number over and over again but there was still no reply. I let out a frustrated sigh as I threw my phone down. "She will phone you as soon as she can Kei. She will probably be on her way to the hospital." Ellie Roebuck told me.

I nodded in agreement as I seen my manager walk in to the cafeteria area. I immediately waved him over, I needed to get to Lucy but I had to get his approval first which annoyed me.

"Gareth, Lucy just got injured and it's bad. I was wondering since we don't have a match for two weeks, if I could go see her for a few days?" I asked my manager.

"Keira, first you want to move teams, now you want days off. Get your priorities right Walsh." my manager said as he stormed away. He just announced my wish to leave the club infront of the rest of my team. Even though they most likely knew, he definitely shouldn't have said that.

I didn't even have a chance to get angry or upset because my phone started to ring. Lucy. Without another thought I answered my girlfriends call.

K - "Lucy are you okay?"
L - "Yeah I'm fine, but my ankles not. It's most likely broken which means I can't drive or do anything myself."
K - "I'm so sorry Luce, I wish I was able to get to you. Gareth isn't allowing me to go."
L - "It's okay Kei, it's not your fault. I have Mapi or Alexia to help me. Listen Kei, I will phone you later, I have to go for scans. Love you"
K - "Love you too, bye"

As I hung up the phone, guilt washes over me. What kind of girlfriend am I, if I can't even go help her when she is vulnerable like this?

I felt the attention of all my teammates on me, probably after what Gareth said or the phone call I just had with Luce. It was all too much and I couldn't help the tears I had filling up my eyes, threatening to fall.

I abruptly stood up and left the cafeteria, sliding down a wall in a quiet hallway I found. I just let myself break down and allow my head to hide in my knees. After a while, I felt a presence bring me into their embrace.

I looked up to be met with Georgia. She just flashed me a sympathetic look, whilst comforting me. Georgia being my best friend knew all about my potential move to Barcelona and I also knew she was on the verge of joining Bayern Munich.

I was so glad she was here with me now though. I needed her and she came for me and I will always appreciate G for that, she is always there.

"It's all too much. The management of the club, not being able to go to Barça and now Lucy's injury. They won't even let me go see her at all! Not even for a day, G." I sobbed as she continued to stroke my back.

Georgia was quiet for a bit before she simply reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. I watched on in confusion as she clicked on Lucy's contact and started facetiming her.

I felt a comforting feeling come over me as I was met with the familiar face of my girlfriend.

"Hey G, what's up- Oh my god Keira are you okay?" Lucy half shouted as she realised the state I was in.

"Erm yeah I guess so, I think I just became overwhelmed because of the Barça move, the manager and now your injury it just feels like nothing is going right." I explained as Lucy nodded.

"I know Kei, we will be okay though. I know you will be fine because you have Georgia with you and she will look out for you. While I have you Kei, my scans have confirmed my ankle is broken so I'm out for a fairly long time. I can't fly though for ages." Lucy said.

I was about to reply until I realised the time "I'm so sorry Luce, we're late for training already we have got to go." I was met with a reassuring nod from Lucy before Georgia and I shot down the corridors to training.

Nobody was even outside yet but we were both shouted at by Gareth yet again. I was just going to leave it until Georgia stepped up to our manager.

"You don't get to tell her off like that. Keira is going to Barcelona for a few days to check on her girlfriend. If you don't like that then you won't know what's best for her. She's going to be exhausted and worried sick until she sees her." Georgia said as she got to her usual fiery self.

Gareth didn't even say anything but nod his head to show his agreement. I took that as my chance to drag Georgia away. "Thank you, G." I expressed my gratitude to her.

I decided just to book a flight and surprise my girlfriend. I already knew her address from previous visits so it shouldn't be a problem.

Lucy's POV

When I was just about to go to bed that night, I was hobbling round the house to brush my teeth. I thought I was going insane when I heard a key opening the door to my house.

The only other person who has a key to my house was Keira. No? Was she here?

I was met with the answer to my question as my girlfriend came running into my arms. Wary of my foot, she was gentle as she started fussing over me.

I was pretty much carried into bed that night. I wouldn't have it any other way though, I knew I needed the help and I wouldn't want it to be anybody else except Keira.

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