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Nobody's POV

Today all of Man City had to get a covid jab whilst at training. The team would get one before they travelled to London to play Chelsea on the weekend.

It was the best way to protect all the players and the new covid jabs are meant to work. The issue was lying with the Bronze-Walsh household as Lucy did not like injections or needles.

Yes. Lucy Roberta "Tough" Bronze hates needles and is terrified of them. Lucy is easily the toughest, bravest person Keira has ever met but when it comes to injections Lucy gets so worked up she passes out sometimes.

That is why on the morning of the jabs Lucy and Keira were in their kitchen as Lucy paced back and forth worrying about their day ahead.

Keira had been with Lucy when she was about to play in a world cup semi final and she has never seen her girlfriend so stressed out before. Injections really got Lucy worked up in a huge state.

Keira would try to convince City to let Lucy not have the injection but the club was adamant that every single player had to take the jab. Regardless what the excuse was, it was the same for all the Chelsea players too. 

Eventually Keira got tired off Lucy's pacing so she stood up and pushed her girlfriend onto the sofa. "Luce Stop. I know how much you hate needles but stressing yourself out about it is not going to make it better for you." Keira told her girlfriend with a sympathetic look on her face.

"I know but I can't help it. What if I faint or make a fool out of myself in front of all the other girls. They won't see me for being tough anymore." Lucy told her girlfriend as she put her head in her hands.

Typical Lucy Keira thought. Always thinking about what others thought of her. Lucy took pride in everyone knowing how brave and tough she was. Lucy rarely let anyone in so if she did, you were a very privileged person in Lucy's eyes.

"What if I get mine done first and then I come and sit next to you whilst you get yours done?" Keira proposed to Lucy as she thought of ways to make the experience easier for her girlfriend.

Lucy nodded her head in agreement and said "thanks Kei, I think that will help". Keira was happy to come up with a solution to make Lucy relax a bit more.

Soon enough the couple left for their training centre. Keira let Lucy drive today to try and distract her from her injection. Keira watched on as Lucy began shaking her knee when they stopped at a red light.

Keira immediately leaned over and placed her hand on Lucy's thigh. "It's okay Luce. I will be with you the whole time. Just try not to think about it." Keira said trying to comfort her girlfriend.

Luckily Lucy's leg stopped shaking and she carried on driving. "I will try not too but it is quite difficult." Lucy honestly told her girlfriend as she kept her eyes on the road.

In response Keira just squeezed Lucy's thigh and said "I know."

The time of the injections came quicker than Lucy would have liked. Lucy watched on as her teammates received their jabs. A couple said the injection made them feel a bit sick but they were all okay so far.

Keira's name was called over to get hers as she just squeezed Lucy's shoulder before walking over to the nurse. Keira answered all the nurse's questions before she mentally prepared herself for the injection.

Keira promised herself even if it hurt for Lucy's sake she was not going to make a scene at all. She did not want to stress her partner out anymore.

Keira received her jab and honestly she felt a little light headed and queasy but it passed after a minute. Keira received her plaster and she was good to go.

Keira confidently walked over to where her girlfriend had a stressed expression on her face. "See all done. It wasn't bad at all Luce." Keira told her girlfriend in hopes of easing her stress.

It worked until the name Lucy Bronze was called out by a nurse. Lucy's body immediately tensed as she looked at Keira to see if she was coming with her. Keira nodded her head as the couple strolled over to where her name had been called.

"Hi Lucy, how are you today?" The nurse asked Lucy. "I am good thanks" Lucy replied not really in the mood for conversation as she was panicking in the inside.

"How do you feel about injections Lucy?" The nurse asked her as she sensed something was up with the defender. "Erm not great to be honest. I have a record of fainting or being sick after them." Lucy replied.

"That's okay Lucy. Just let me know if you feel as though any of them are going to happen, okay?." The nurse asked.

Lucy replied by nodding her head. The nurse decided to change the subject as she prepared the injection to distract Lucy.

"So who is this then Lucy?" The nurse asked referring to Keira who was stood next to Lucy with a concerned expression on her face.

Lucy smiled and said "This is Keira my partner. We thought it would be best if she would stay with me just because she helps calm me down."

The nurse smiled and said "I am glad. Now why don't you look at Keira whilst I do this."

Lucy nodded as she turned to face Keira. Lucy's heart was racing as she felt the nurse roll up her sleeve about to do the injection.

Keira seen the sheer panic on Lucy's face and grabbed one of Lucy's hands and squeezed it. Keira seen the nurse nod at her implying she was about to do the injection.

Keira proceeded in crouching in front of her girlfriend and squeezed her hand. At the same time the nurse gave Lucy her injection.

Lucy felt really light headed and sick but acted like she was okay anyway. The nurse believed her as Lucy and Keira said their thank yous before they left the room.

That was when Keira turned to her partner and asked "So how do you really feel then. I know you lied in there."

Lucy just said "I am going to be sick."

That was when Lucy shot off for the bathrooms with Keira right on her tail as they reached the toilets.

Lucy went into the closest one and began throwing up into the toilets. Keira was right behind her and sat on the floor behind her girlfriend comforting her and holding back her hair.

Eventually Lucy was done and Keira helped her back to her feet. "How are you feeling?" Keira asked Lucy in concern for her.

"Better I think. I just want to go home." Lucy told Keira as she cleaned off her face.

"We can go home Luce. I am proud of you for how you handled that." Keira said as she wrapped her arms around Lucy.

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