Keira Panic Attack part two

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Lucy's POV

Today I was at training with Barça. Keira had a day off today because she has a slight tense calf. The doctors and staff at Barcelona decided not to risk her and just let her have a rest day.

Before I left this morning, I noticed Keira wasn't in the best mood. She seemed a bit tense, almost? I wasn't sure what was wrong with her and I didn't want to push her so I just left it. Until I noticed her a bit shaky.

"Are you okay, Kei?" I asked in concern for my girlfriend. I got a nod of the head back with a small, but reassuring smile back. "Yes, of course Luce. Just a bit sad about missing training." Keira replied. It made sense of course. So I believed her, kissing her softly on the cheek before leaving.

I was in the gym with all the girls. I was busy laughing hard at Mapi, tripping over a piece of equipment. This meant I was oblivious to what was happening around me.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that Alexia came over with my phone in her hand. "Lucy, your phone has been going mental for the last couple minutes." Alexia said, her strong Spanish accent coming through as she spoke English.

I quickly took my phone from her, thanking her in the process. I seen a dozen missed calls from Keira and I began to panic. That's not like her at all, especially when she knows I have training.

Without a second thought, I called her back. "Hey Kei, you okay?" I quickly asked as she answered within a ring. I was just met with hysterical crying and loud exaggerated gasps of breath from the other side of the phone.

I knew exactly what was happening. She was having another panic attack. "Kei, it's okay. Just keep breathing for me. In and out babe." I try encourage her.

"It's not working, I can't." Keira just about replied. I listened to her failed attempts trying to breathe. I couldn't do this. I immediately jumped off the bike I was currently working on, before I ran out the gym, ignoring the confused looks on the faces of my teammates.

"Listen to me Kei. I'm on my way, I just need you to try work on your deep breaths." I told her as I quickly started driving my car. I most definitely broke some speed limits, but I didn't care right now.

I stayed on the phone with Keira, as I drove through the busy streets of Barcelona. I kept trying to sort out her breathing, but it wasn't working. I was getting increasingly worried as her panic attacks never usually last this long.

"I'm two minutes away babe. Just hold on" I spoke as I sped round a corner. I just got a raspy attempt of a breath in reply from Keira, at least I knew she was still breathing or attempting too I guess. To anyone who seen me driving I would look like a psychopath right now, but in reality I was just a worried sick girlfriend.

Once I arrived home, I quickly entered the house. "Keira?" I shouted, trying to figure out where my girlfriend was. When I heard cries coming from upstairs, I immediately made my way up.

When I entered our bedroom, I was met with Keira sat against a wall. She was red, and clearly struggling to breathe. How she has managed to stay conscious this whole time I wouldn't know.

I quickly ran to her side and took her straight into my arms. "I'm here. You're okay. I'm here" I repeated over and over. The best cure for Keira's panic attacks was to just hold her.

After a while, I felt her heart slow down a bit. Which I was thankful for, it was no longer racing. However, her breathing was still way too ragged for my liking.

I slightly pulled away, and sat Keira up in my lap so she was looking into my eyes. "You need to calm down Kei. Don't think about anything else, just focus on me." I reassure her as I drew small circles around her back with my hand.

"I can't slow it down" Keira managed to get out. I looked sadly at the state my girlfriend was in. It was heartbreaking, she only gets panic attacks over something bad so I was really concerned for her. My main priority right now was just making sure her breathing was slowing down.

"Yes you can, darling. You are capable of everything your the most talented person I know. I just need you to take deep breaths, in and out." I said, whilst demonstrating a breathing technique.

Keira copied, and thankfully after a while she started breathing normally again. I just wrapped her back into my arms, I wasn't letting her go. After a while, I felt my shirt get soaked. I realised Keira had been silently crying for a while now.

"What's wrong, Kei?" I asked my girlfriend whilst stroking her hair. "Nothing" She quickly replied. I mentally rolled my eyes, Keira and I are both similar in the way we don't like to show emotion or speak about how we feel.

We always end up getting it out the other. It just normally takes some time. I would never tell anyone how I feel but Keira though.

"You can tell me anything, my love. You know there's no judgement with me." I remind her. I felt a slight nod of her head against my chest.

I just waited a few minutes, for my girlfriend to say what she needed too. I would wait all day if I needed too, I wasn't moving until I knew she was okay.

"Mum is sick" Keira said after a while. I felt my heart shatter. Why didn't she tell me before? Was Tracy okay? How has Keira managed to deal with this on her own? No wonder she had a panic attack.

"Kei, I'm so sorry darling. Is she okay?" I asked. I felt a nod again. "She will be. They just aren't sure what it is yet. That's why I was a bit stressed." Keira replied. I understood now.

"Everything will be okay Keira. You could've told me earlier, I wouldn't have gone to training in the first place. Your my main priority and always will be." I gently said.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just didn't want you to feel trapped." Keira replied. "You will never make me feel trapped. You're my world." I said, as I ran my finger over Keira's ring finger. I couldn't wait until next month, where she would have a shiny engagement ring on there. Keira didn't need to know about that yet though.

"You're my world too, Luce. Thank you for everything. Speaking of, how did you manage to leave training?" Keira asked.

Oh dear. I realised I still hadn't mentioned anything about me leaving yet. They will all still be confused. Oh well, I will explain later. As long as I got to Keira, that's all I cared about.

"They understood. They let me go." I said. Keira didn't need to know the truth, she has enough on her plate.

"I guess we have a flight we need to make for England then." I said, as Keira's eyes lit up. "Really?" She asked. For the first time today, she had a proper smile on her face.

"Of course Kei." I said. I knew Keira wouldn't rest until she seen her mum, neither would I. Keira is my family which makes her family mine too.

Authors Note

I'm so sorry updates are taking so long! For all those asking about my Lia and Caitlin book, I'm not sure where that's going but I will update it asap!!

On another note, 100k reads on this book🥹. Thank you so so much!! I never thought I would ever get this many reads, it means the absolute world to me. Thank you for all the love always 🫶🏻

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