Us against the world

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A much requested part two of 'future life'. Thank you for being so patient with the updates, I have been overloaded with school work at the moment! So I'm really sorry about the lack of updates, I am hoping to get a few chapters out soon to make up for it!❤️

Keira's POV

Lucy is now 7 months pregnant. The pregnancy has gone by so fast, but we couldn't be more excited to meet our angel.

Lucy has worked the entire duration of her pregnancy. If your wondering how pregnancy has treated her, the answer is not very well.

Lucy throws up constantly. If she eats, she's sick. Same with drinking too. I feel helpless at not being able to take any of her pain away. Lucy has also been emotional - to say the least.

The lionesses were at camp. They were all in a meeting, which was led by Lucy. Sarina and all the other coaches watched on as Lucy spoke to her former teammates. Lucy was currently explaining tactics for their next match against Sweden.

It became evident that Lucy, who was quite heavily pregnant at this point was struggling to stand for the hour she had too. Keira watched on as her wife, kept uncomfortably switching her feet positions.

"Are you okay Lucy? Do you need to sit down?" Keira asked, when Lucy stopped to think of her next choice of words. "Does it look like I'm struggling, Keira? Are you implying that I am incapable of standing?" Lucy replied, looking quite annoyed.

All the lionesses looked surprised at Lucy's response. Keira didn't take it to heart though, she was used to this by now. She knew Lucy didn't mean it, her hormones were just through the roof right now. "No, of course not Lucy." Keira said, just deciding to leave it at that, and not upset Lucy anymore.

Lucy carried on with her meeting. After a while, Lucy looked really pale. Everyone picked up on it. Keira heard her teammates talking about it next to her, she also seen the coaches talk about it too. Keira could not leave Lucy looking like this anymore.

Without saying a word, Keira simply stood up from her seat, picked up her chair and placed it next to where Lucy was standing. "Sit." Keira said, not leaving until Lucy sat down. "I'm fine" Lucy replied.

"No you're not Lucy. You're pregnant. You can barely walk up the stairs, never mind stand for another hour. It's okay babe, it doesn't make you weak. You're just a pregnant lady and you need to learn to accept you need help sometimes." Keira explained to Lucy.

Keira could see Lucy starting to tear up but, she got a small nod in reply, and Lucy sitting down. Keira then went and sat back down, sharing Georgia's seat. Lucy managed to finish her meeting.

When they got out, they had team bonding. Even though Lucy was no longer a player, she still joined in on every game.

Today was a grand game of would you rather. The first question was asked to Keira, by Millie and Rach. "Keira would you rather, never play football again or never see Lucy again, and why?" Millie asked. Everyone knew this would be a tricky question for Keira, they were her two favourite things.

Lucy instead just looked like she didn't care. This was because she was confident Keira would choose to never see her again. Football was Keira's life, it always has been and always will be.

Keira on the other hand, didn't even need to think twice about her answer. "Never play football again." Keira said, like it was the easiest answer ever. Lucy looked a bit taken back. "You'd choose me over football?" Lucy asked. Keira just simply nodded. "Football doesn't last forever, but you do." Keira said.

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