Lucy Dyslexia Part two

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Someone asked for a part two, I am still making my way through suggestions btw!

Lucy's POV

After mine and Keira's walk, we made our way back to the the hotel. Once we got there we noticed the plan for the next day. Ugh. We had a literacy exam. That meant Keira couldn't help me because we would be doing it in exam conditions like school.

I had no idea what to do. When I turned to see Keira's reaction she looked just as worried as I did. "It will be okay Luce. We will figure something out." She tried to reassure me as she squeezed my shoulder.

"I can't do this. What if I completely fail?" I asked as I noticed my hand started to shake with anxiety. I used to get this all the time as a kid but when my hand shook it always got very bad.

"Luce. It will all be okay, no matter your literacy ability it will never effect your football abilities. You're the best player in the world for a reason." Keira said.

Keira then noticed my hands shaking. I seen a glimpse of utter worry on her face as she looked around to see if anyone was near us. When she was happy there wasn't she took my hands and squeezed them and looked straight straight in the eye.

"Luce I love you okay? More than anyone else in my life. Nothing will ever change that even if you got 0% in the exam or if you killed a woman on the pitch tomorrow. You will never change in my eyes and if anybody on the team saw you differently if you told them about your dyslexia then I promise you, we will never speak to them again no matter who it was." Keira reassured me as she swiped her thumbs over my hands to calm me down.

It worked so we both headed up to our room which we shared. Keira and I came to the decision that I would attempt to do it and if I couldn't then I would own up to Sarina about it.

The next morning I woke up feeling drained already for the day ahead. I hadn't felt like this since I was a kid and I absolutely hated it.

After we ate breakfast we immediately went to the exam. I walked into the room to see individual desks with papers sat on them. We were sat in alphabetical order by our last names so I was right at the front and Keira was at the back.

I noticed my hands were shaking already as I sat down so I hid them under my desk to escape any weird glances from my teammates.

As Keira walked in she immediately shot me a smile and mouthed "it will be okay". Just Keira's presence manages to calm me down even in my most stressed moments. I wish I knew Keira as a kid in school, she would have made my life so much easier.

When we started the exam I opened the paper and I couldn't even read most of the words because my dyslexia made the words float about. I actually felt like crying.

I kept telling myself don't cry. I am Lucia Roberta Tough Bronze. I don't cry at stuff like this. But honestly this was making my anxiety shoot through the roofs.

I was trying to write a couple answers down but I eventually gave in and knew I wouldn't be able to answer them. I took a look at everyone else and they all knew what they were doing.

My hands started shaking uncontrollably and my vision began to get blurry with tears. My breathing started to get really heavy and I knew what was happening.

I was having a panic attack. I hadn't had one since I had left school like 15 years ago. I noticed all my teammates look over at me and notice what was happening.

Keira's POV

I was doing my exam when I heard my name being shouted by Millie Bright. I looked up to see her sat next to Lucy who was having what looked like a severe panic attack.

I immediately stood up from my seat and rushed over to my girlfriend who was now being crowded by our teammates and staff members.

"Give me space please guys." I asked as I pushed passed everyone to get to Lucy.

I remember Lucy's mum told me about Lucy's panic attacks when she was younger. They were always bad and Lucy would only stop if she passed out. I was praying she wouldn't pass out but if that means it will stop her panic attack then I needed her too.

I took Lucy's hands and made her lie on the floor with her head in my lap incase she passed out. "Luce you're okay. I am here, just breathe nice and slow, in and out for me okay." I tried to reassure her as I wiped away the tears on her face.

"I can't breathe Kei." I heard Lucy say through ragged attempted breaths. I seen concern flash on all my teammates faces but I knew Lucy would pull through this.

"Yes you can Luce. In and out babe, look at me." I instructed her as I watched her look up to meet my eyes.

"You are okay. Focus on me and my breathing nothing else." I told her as I began to take exaggerated breaths for Lucy to copy.

I watched as she did but as she did I watched her lose consciousness from her lack of breathing right. My teammates gasped as we watched Lucy pass out.

"It's okay. She does this just give her a minute." I reassured them but I was really doing it for myself too. I watched as they nod in response and Jordan came to squeeze my shoulder, clearly understanding how I would be feeling right now.

I began to wipe the hair out of Lucy's face as I shook her shoulders, trying to wake her up. "Luce, can you hear me love? Can you open your eyes babe?" I asked in desperation.

I watched as she stirred before her eyes opened. "You're okay Luce." I said as I squeezed her hand.

Lucy came round quite fast and eventually sat up clearly getting overwhelmed knowing that everyone just witnessed her having a panic attack.

I watched as she turned around to me with a worried look on her face and I knew she was silently asking for me to take her away from all this.

I stood up and took Lucy's hands to pull her to her feet. I wrapped my arm round her waist to make sure she was fully supported as we walked out the room.

I walked Lucy to our room where she just asked to sleep. I agreed as she had a hard day. "Can you explain to them about my dyslexia? I think they deserve to know." Lucy asked.

I nodded my head "Of course Luce. I am proud of you."

"Thank you for helping me Kei. I don't know what I would do without you." Lucy said as I began to walk out the room.

"I love you Luce, I will always be there for you." I said as I walked out the room to meet my team.

I found them eating lunch and as soon as I walked through the room all the attention in the room went to me.

"Right so, Lucy has always struggled with dyslexia since she was a kid. She has never been ashamed of it but she never wanted anyone to see her differently or treat her like she needed help constantly. Whenever she has to do something with literacy she experiences panic attacks. I hope you all understand and you won't treat her differently because that is what she has always tried to avoid. Sorry for the commotion earlier." I said as I watched my teammates all nod their heads.

"Is she okay?" I heard Jordan ask in concern for her friend.

"Yeah she's fine, she's just in our room getting some rest right now. She's had a hard day." I explained.

I was happy when all my teammates all nodded their heads and got on with their days, not dwelling on the subject. We are really all one team.

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