Champions League Final

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Our girls did it🥹🥹 I am so proud of them! Keira's first cl and Lucy's fourth, unreal players. Unbelievable from Barca today the comeback was unreal!! Honestly felt like a proud mum.

Anyway x

Lucy's POV

I had gotten the all clear from medical and that meant I was starting the champions league final. A couple of the girls were coming up to me for advice on how to thrive off the pressure.

One of the main ones who asked was Keira. She wanted to prove that she deserved the starting eleven spot as a couple people were doubting her. I for sure didn't! A lot of people thought Alexia should have been starting instead.

Keira brings so much to the team like calmness and composure and does so much important stuff that people don't tend to see. So when I found out Keira was starting I was so proud of her because she came in this season, potentially replacing the best player in the world and even when she has come back fit to play Keira has kept her place in the team. That shows how much talent my girlfriend has.

I was potentially worried about myself though. I hadn't played in 5 weeks so was I going to be up to my normal standards? I don't know.

As we walked out onto the stadium I just looked around to take it all in. I looked across to my girlfriend who had her usual game face on. I did see a little smile creep on her face as she looked around the stadium.

I wanted to win this game for her more than anything. Keira has never even been in a champions league final before and she left her childhood club just to play in a final like this. So I wanted to play well for her. She deserves it.

I hugged all my teammates like usual before kickoff. When I hugged Keira I whispered in her ear "I am so proud of you." I seen Keira smile widely as I pulled away. "I am proud of you too. Your comeback from your surgery has been unreal Luce. Only you could manage to do that." Keira said to me as I couldn't help but smile. But before I could say something back to her I realised we had to get ready for kick off.

When the whistle blew, Barcelona had complete control in possession like we expected but Wolfsburg were pressuring us very high. That's what led to Wolfsburg's first goal.

I had the ball and I was about to make a pass when I felt the ball being taken off me from somebody behind me. I got taken out as I watched Pajor strike the ball. Goal.

I felt defeated. I let myself down, my team and Keira. As I picked myself up I felt a hand on my back and I turned to see my girlfriend flashing me a sympathetic but encouraging smile.

"It's okay Luce. One little mistake does not define your game. We will still win, pick yourself up and we will go again babe." Keira said as I felt myself pick up. "You're right." I replied to Keira who ran off to her position.

I could only feel myself getting hungrier. I wanted this and I was going to make sure I made up for my mistake by helping my team.

Keira's POV

When I watched that goal go in I felt my heart drop for my girlfriend. I just know that she will be blaming herself for this. I watched as she ran her fingers through her hair and got up off the floor. She looked defeated and guilty at the same time. I ran straight over to her side.

I comforted her the best I could in the middle of a game before I had to run back to my position. We have had quite a few good chances this half but we just haven't taken them.

I want this win so bad. I also need to cancel out Lucy's mistake because I can't have her feeling like she is the reason we lost. It would destroy her. We need to win this match.

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