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Set during world cup 2019 (Jordan will be in the story even though she wasn't there)
Nobody's POV

Phil Neville had few rules about camp. However, the rules he did have were very strict. The main rule he had was no couples were allowed to room together during competitions like the world cup.

This meant that Jordan and Leah couldn't share and neither could Lucy and Keira. So during the world cup, Jordan and Lucy shared as they were very good friends and Keira, Georgia and Leah were all in the same room. Why were three people in the same room? The answer to that is they could not leave anyone out and there was an odd number of players in the squad anyway.

Keira was excited to be sharing with her two best friends. However, Keira often got really bad nightmares especially before big games. She never really told anyone about them not even Lucy. She always conveniently never slept over at Lucy's the night before a game and during other England camps she just always tried her best to hide them.

So far she has been quite successful at nobody noticing them. Although she knew that at some point during this camp she would get a really bad one. Especially because she was sharing this room for over a month. Keira gets even worse ones when she is not in her own bed. This was not helpful as she was currently somewhere in France.

Keira, Leah and Georgia all got settled in their room. It was cute, there was three double beds spaced around the room each with their own corners for the girls to make themselves at home. If Lucy couldn't be her roommate, she was more than happy it was Leah and Georgia.

A couple of nights went passed with Keira having no nightmares. Keira was very happy about this but deep down she knew it was only because they were training and not actually about to play a game.

Over the camp as their kickoff game against Scotland was nearing closer, Keira noticed herself distancing herself slightly from the team. She was almost always stressing about when the nightmare will come.

Soon enough the night before the Scotland match came and the team was sitting in the hotel restaurant eating their food. Nobody noticed that Keira was barely eating. Except one person.

Lucy was sitting at her usual table with the more "older" players of Jordan, Steph, Ellen, Jill, Millie and Rachel. Even though Lucy and Keira never sat together Lucy always watched Keira to make sure she was eating and that she genuinely looked happy.

Today she was met with neither of those things. Concern filled Lucy's face as she watched Keira leave the room. Lucy's table followed where Lucy was looking and they all understood why Lucy looked worried.

"What's wrong with her?" Jordan broke the silence as she turned to Lucy. Lucy just shrugged her shoulders as she quickly finished the rest of her food "I don't know. But I am about to find out" she said as she finished her plate and stood up following the direction where her girlfriend went.

Lucy reached Keira's room and pounded on the door "Keira it's me. Let me in" she said as she continued knocking. Eventually the door was pulled open and Lucy was met with her favourite face.

Lucy just didn't say anything and walked into the room sitting on the bed next to what she recognised as Keira's stuff. Keira silently sat next to her.

Lucy just looked at her and said "tell me what is wrong. You haven't been yourself for a while but you are particularly bad tonight. Are you nervous for the game tomorrow?"

Keira just decided that she should tell Lucy. She didn't want to lie to her girlfriend and she knew eventually one day she would find out if they ever moved in together.

"Every night before a match day I get horrible nightmares. So bad to the point I wake up almost having a panic attack. I never know what to do I have been to several doctors about it but they all just have no idea what is wrong with me." Keira said as she fiddled with her fingers clearly uncomfortable.

Lucy looked at her girlfriend in disbelief. How did she not realise. Now it made sense to her why Keira would never sleep over at her place before a game. Lucy never just thought much of it as they had just started dating and then Lucy moved to Lyon so they don't see each other much before games now.

"Thank you for telling me Kei. Is there anything I can do to help you?" Lucy said in concern. Keira just shook her head and said no.

Lucy just took Keira's hand and said "I know we can't room together but promise me that you will come get me." Keira just nodded her head.

Later that night

Keira eventually found herself falling asleep as Georgia and Leah did hours ago. Keira tried not to sleep but eventually it over took her.

Then she fell into her nightmare. This time it was really bad, she watched as her girlfriend died right in front of her and she stood and did nothing.

It was a gruelling nightmare, one that left Keira waking up sobbing. Georgia being a light sleeper immediately woke up confused but quickly realised that Keira was in a huge state.

Georgia was quickly up to her feet and over to her best friend waking up Leah in the process. "Kei it's okay I am here" Georgia said as she wrapped Keira in a hug.

Leah quickly jumped to her feet and went to the other side of Keira. "What's wrong Kei, are you okay? What can we do?" Leah asked in concern for her friend.

In between sobs Keira just said "Lucy". Georgia knew what she meant and quickly ran out of the room.

Georgia found the room she knew Jordan and Lucy were staying in and knocked on the door. After a while the door was opened to reveal a very tired looking Jordan Nobbs.

"G? What is it?" Jordan asked as she rubbed her eyes. Georgia just said in a panicked tone "Lucy, is she here?". Confuse was evident on Jordan's face as she moved to the side to reveal Lucy still half asleep in her pyjamas.

"Luce, Keira needs you right now. It is pretty bad." Georgia said as she motioned to Lucy that she had to come to her.

"Oh shit is it her nightmares?" Lucy asked as she ran out the door with Georgia. Georgia then understood what had got her friend in such a state. "It must have been Luce. She looks terrified." Georgia said as they ran a couple doors down.

Leah opened the door as both woman ran over to Keira's bed. The sight broke Lucy's heart. Keira seemed so vulnerable and broken. Lucy rushed over to Keira's side and brought Keira's small frame into her lap.

"I am here Kei. You are okay." Lucy said in attempt to comfort her girlfriend whilst rubbing her back. Lucy just kept on repeating that until Keira's sobs died down.

Lucy looked up to see Georgia and Leah's worried faces staring back at her. Lucy knew both girls needed their rest for tomorrow "G, Le you guys can go back to sleep. I have got her from here. Thank you both for your help." She received nods in response from both girls and watched as both went back to their beds.

Lucy knew she would have to spend the night here so she sent a text to Jordan explaining what happened and then looked at the girl she loved lying in her arms.

Lucy broke the silence as she whispered "do you want to talk about it darling?". Keira looked up to meet her girlfriends eyes as she said in a tiny voice "You died. I didn't do anything, I couldn't save you. It felt so real."

Lucy nodded in understanding as she brought Keira up to look at her straight in the eyes. "I am still here. It never happened. I will always still be here for you. Remember that okay."

Keira nodded in reply as she settled herself down back into her girlfriends arms. "Can you please stay here tonight?" Keira asked Lucy in a hopeful voice.

Lucy just nodded her head and said "I will always stay if you need me too. I love you lots Kei."

"I love you too Luce." Keira replied.

Keira slept soundly in Lucy's arms that night. Then Keira did the same the night before the game against Argentina. Phil eventually came round to letting Lucy sleep with Keira the night before a game.

They all came to realise that Lucy was Keira's safety blanket. Keira never had a nightmare when she was sleeping in the arms of her girlfriend. The doctors she went to gave her medicine that wouldn't work. But what the doctors came to realise was Keira's medicine was Lucy. Lucy was Keira's medication for her nightmares and her problems.

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