I love you. (I don't know how to feel)

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Lucy's POV

We've been fighting for weeks, which has led to us staring at eachother in tears. I don't know what to say to make it better, and neither does she.

Sitting in silence has never been evident in mine and Keira's relationship. It's always been laughs and cuddles, until recently.

I just watched as tears rolled down Keira's cheeks. We know what's coming, what should happen, but neither of us can face it.

I can't help it. I can't save us. It won't stop me from trying. "I love you" slipped out of my mouth in a whisper. "I love you too" Keira replied equally as quiet.

"It's not healthy to love eachother anymore" I finally said, tears running down my cheeks. Keira just nodded, "I know. I don't know how to feel, Luce." Keira said.

That's just it though. We love eachother endlessly, but we keep clashing and it hurts us to be like that with the person we love.

"I will always love you, Lucy. You're my constant." Keira said after a while of us sitting in thought. I let out a shaky breath, "I feel the same, Keira." I replied honestly.

Silence again. Neither of us can say it, and we don't have too. We're done. The best thing I've had in my life, is over. The one person I could call mine.

"Promise me-" Keira tried to say before she finally started fully crying. I grabbed her hand to try offer any sort of comfort and allow her to say what she needs to.

Keira took a deep breath and wiped her eyes. "Promise me, if the time is right we will try again. Promise me that next time, we will get married and have our kids like we spoke about." Keira said, staring deep into my eyes.

Tears rolled down my face faster. I nodded. "I want nothing more, Kei. I promise you that."

Keira's POV

3 months since our dreaded break up. 3 months since I've had any sort of happiness in my life. Leah and Georgia tried to set me up on a date last week, to "improve my moping" (I have no idea what they are talking about, I don't mope".) Anyway, I didn't turn up.

Why? Because I'm still stupidly in love with my ex. I want to hold her to that promise, but for that to work I know we need time apart. She also might of moved on.

I can't move on. I will never be able to, because I love that girl. I've been spending most of my free time in Germany recently with Georgia and that is where I met Laura. Laura plays in Italy but she is friends with a lot of the German girls including Georgia so she is there quite a lot.

I've been constantly hanging out with them, and it brings me a slight bit of happiness to ease my pain and I'm thankful for that. I was currently injured so I decided just to stay in Germany for a bit and stay at Georgia's.

When Georgia was playing, I went out for a friendly meal with Laura. Everything was going fine, until Laura took hold of one of my hands. I didn't think much of it, she was just being friendly right?

I was wrong. Next thing I know, I have a hand on my thigh. I quickly pulled my hand away, and pushed hers off my lap. "What are you doing?" I asked Laura, confused.

Laura looked equally confused. "Did you not understand when I asked you to dinner what was happening?" She asked.

Then it clicked. She thought this was a date, she liked me. All the rumours on instagram and twitter were true. I just shook my head in disbelief.

"I'm sorry Laura. I'm just not ready for any sort of relationship. I genuinely didn't know this was a date or you had feelings for me like that. I thought it was friendly connection." I gently turn down.

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