World Cup preparations

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Lucy and Keira both couldn't wait for the world cup this summer. They couldn't wait to hopefully make more history for their country.

Lucy has fully recovered from her knee (she has been in some fair pain since the champions league final but has since felt better) so the couple could not wait to meet up with their team for their summer ahead.

Keira was in a good place going into this years world cup. The world cup in 2019 wasn't a good experience for Keira, she was very young and wasn't very full of confidence so when she received awful comments on instagram it made her doubt her career and decision to be a footballer. Lucy was the person who got Keira to regain her confidence and get her girlfriend to carry on. It wasn't easy but Lucy made sure to reassure her girlfriend that she was super talented and nobody is able to do what Keira does.

Keira has since learnt to ignore all the hate on instagram and social media in general. Although, because of the hate she received Keira made the decision to not look at any of the comments she got on social media anymore. Keira barley used social media now. She deleted twitter and only goes on instagram every so often.

However, Keira was ready for the proper world cup experience this year, she just wanted to enjoy it all. Keira also knew that it could be the last world cup Lucy plays at. So they wanted to make this one memorable.

During the two week break Keira and Lucy were given between the champions league final and reporting for duty to England, they went on holiday together to Bora Bora.

Lucy treated her girlfriend to this holiday. They both knew they needed it, it was no secret that the couple was very private from the public. They knew that in Bora Bora there was little to no chance they would know anyone there.

That's why Lucy spent a ridiculous amount of money to book this holiday. She wanted them to just relax and not worry about the couple getting exposed on the internet. This meant Lucy spent thousands between private flights and activities they were going to do. Lucy also booked a hut right by the water which was also very expensive.

They both couldn't wait. Their private plane was unreal, they were treated to posh champagne and food and even had a bedroom for them both with a king sized bed.

The flight from Barcelona to Bora Bora was a whole day. The couple knew it was going to be gruelling for them but it would be worth it in the end. The bedroom came in very handy during the flight as they had to sleep. Lucy really struggled to sleep on flights so this wouldn't be fun.

Keira slept soundly next to Lucy in the bed as Lucy laid wide awake. They had already been on the flight for 7 hours but they still had god even knows how long left. Lucy felt like the flight was dragging on for ages.

Keira woke up to the sound of Lucy next to her constantly rolling about in bed. "What's wrong babe?" Keira asked her girlfriend clearly concerned.

Lucy huffed in response. "I can't sleep on planes." Keira obviously knew Lucy found it difficult to sleep on planes but she thought her girlfriend would be able to since they had a proper bed.

So Keira opted into not saying anything and instead spooned Lucy and wrapped her arms around her. "Go to sleep Kei, I will try my best to aswell." Lucy said, although she couldn't sleep she still wanted Keira too.

"Okay Luce. If you don't sleep in the next hour please wake me up." Keira said as she already drifted to sleep. Lucy agreed with Keira but deep down she knew she would not wake her girlfriend up, she wanted Keira to sleep.

Lucy in fact did not wake Keira up. Keira slept for 10 hours like she has been since they got off on break. Lucy slept for a grand total of maybe an hour? She stayed up on her phone and messaged Jordan for a bit.

Jordan is Lucy's best friend so speaking to her was a great way to distract the time for Lucy. Lucy couldn't of been happier when she received a phone call from Jordan a week ago, who was crying as she revealed to Lucy she got into the world cup squad. Lucy herself nearly started crying, she was so happy for her best friend. Nobody deserves it more.

The rest of the plane was spent by Keira staying awake and keeping Lucy company. They played cards, watched movies and ate for hours. Keira purposely brought all of Lucy's favourite things to keep her girlfriend entertained.

It worked because the rest of the flight went by surprisingly fast. Keira took Lucy's hand as they walked through the Bora Bora airport. They weather was lovely. It was hot, just what they wanted.

They got taken to their hut which was absolutely stunning, it was right by the water and the sun shone right on them. The first thing the couple did on their holiday was go to the stretchers on the beach. Keira purposely proposed this idea as she knew Lucy needed to sleep.

That is what the couple spent most of their holiday doing. Just resting, they knew that they had a very intense schedule coming up this summer so if their bodies were telling them to sleep that is what they were going to do.

Lucy's favourite part of the trip was when the couple went scuba diving. Lucy absolutely loved seeing all the different types of fish and creatures in the crystal clear ocean. Keira however was not the biggest fan and basically climbed onto Lucy's arm the whole time.

Lucy obviously didn't mind that. When they went deeper Lucy saw Keira's eyes widen in panic. In response Lucy just took Keira's hand and squeezed it reassuringly. Lucy took the lead and Keira followed as they used their one spare hand each to dive further.

The holiday was perfect for them. They didn't get noticed by anyone, they had perfect time together, they had a date night every night and they both got perfect tans while they were at it.

It was fair to say the couple was ready for the world cup.

Authors Note

I'm so sorry about the slow updates! I am still busy and I am running out of ideas to write about so please suggest something x

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